Constructive gadfly
stevendedalus's Articles » Page 15
September 13, 2007 by stevendedalus
 1) Barry Bonds will retire when a. hits 850, b.800, c. turns to flab, d. goes to prison. 2) The next President of the USA will be: a. Clinton, b. Giuliani, c. F. Thompson, d. Obama. 3) Britney Spears will a. shave her head again, b. continue to perform badly, c. be booed off the stage and into the fat farm, d. lose weight and get her act together. 4) Petraeus a. is a delusional optimist, b. doesn’t really believe the surge is working, c. distrusts Bush, d. will be Ir...
September 11, 2007 by stevendedalus
Admittedly Move On went over the top with the use of “Betray us,” which is as bad as Senator Joe McCarthy's utterance to a respected General, “Sir, you are unfit to wear the uniform.” However, it is fair to say that under the orders of his Commander in Chief, Petraeus surely did way lay us with charts and statistics on the edge of dishonesty. Taking credit because of the surge in Anbar when the sheiks and marines had the situation in hand before then--that is, till four sheiks were blown...
September 7, 2007 by stevendedalus
Who gives a hoot what Christopher Hitchens thinks about Mother Teresa’s dark confessions? He’s only venting reference to them to justify his atheism in tandem with sadistic pleasure in lambasting the Catholic Church in having allowed Teresa to continue on with her overly “enthusiastic” good will works while it knew that she was but creating maddening busy work to offset and to spite her loss in faith. From Peter’s thrice denial, Judas’ treachery and Jesus utterance of being forsaken by his fa...
September 6, 2007 by stevendedalus
The argument human activity is causing global warming is rather difficult to deny or accept in a whimsical planet driven by geological time. What is certain is the population and industrial explosion worldwide taxing the natural balancing act of the globe because humans—and there are more of them coming—make greater demands on the planet’s resources and stripping it of sensible and necessary conservation.Back in the ’50s and ’60s California, in particular the major cities, it was blanketed in sm...
September 6, 2007 by stevendedalus
It used to be that an Our Father and a Hail Mary would go along way in soothing the conscience by overriding the sin of gluttony. In the early ’60s to rebel against conspicuous consumption one bought a Beetle to flaunt and prick the conscience of the Cadillac driver. But the current lunacy rivals even the Vatican’s dishonor in commercially offering indulgences in the middle ages.This lunacy is in voluntary carbon offsets to counter the gluttonous energy user who guzzles down the planet’s resourc...
August 16, 2007 by stevendedalus
High powered traders and investors are the most consistent proponents of small government; that is, until Wall Street panics as it is doing now over the market’s current instability. They are crying for the Federal Reserve to pump liquidity into the coffers of irascible investment banks that have caused the problem with its reckless loan procedures. Why reward such irresponsible policies whereby so many in the thousands if not millions are losing their homes? Well, that’s precisely why the Fed h...
August 15, 2007 by stevendedalus
The blind faith authoritarian doesn’t think of himself that way: ostensibly society is a long way in history from the witch doctor’s inventive hocus-pocus. Keep in mind, however, that long before countless sacred scriptures, the mystics of cloistered tribes wove their tales into the psyche of the gullible from which out of the necessity of preserving the “golden age” of primary beliefs evolved the written word claimed as truth. Despite over centuries of empirical argument the universal truth ...
August 14, 2007 by stevendedalus
The person familiar with the talks told The Associated Press that Imus is taking steps to make a comeback with WABC-AM. The person, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the news had not been announced, also said the deal with CBS calls for a "non-disparaging" agreement that forbids him from speaking negatively about his former employer. The settlement and possible comeback come more than four months after Imus created an uproar over his racist and sexist comments about the Rutgers wome...
August 14, 2007 by stevendedalus
DHS is rightly tightening up on the program waiving vistas. The Post agrees as opposed to the “extremists” who want to terminate it altogether for security reasons and causing bottlenecks at airports. The Post insists that “the United States must remain as open and welcoming as possible.” I say, what the F…, and simply why? I thought 9/11 changed everything.
August 14, 2007 by stevendedalus
A recent Washington Post editorial points out that the 150 th anniversary of Dred Scott decision spurred in Maryland new protests that the chief justice [Taney] who wrote the decision: “… beings of an inferior order, and altogether unfit to associate with the white race, either in social or political relations.” Yet Maryland on public grounds has three statues of Taney causing activists to demand removal of these statues at the State House and City Hall. The Post’s view that in spite of this...
August 13, 2007 by stevendedalus
You really have to hand it to Hillary’s acumen to be so into the gay thing and still remain straight. Or is it simply Hillary being Hillary, like I’m for the war but against it?
August 13, 2007 by stevendedalus
It breaks my heart to see on TV so many beautiful women—Kellyanne Conway and ilk—boasting their Republican positions. ’Tain’t fair! I’m bad on names who are some others?
August 13, 2007 by stevendedalus
 Fred Thompson should get off his fat rump and declare his manhood or dropout and let his young wife run.
August 13, 2007 by stevendedalus
Islam objects to the term “suicide bombing.” It prefers “martyrdom.” The way I see it is that it is neither—it’s just downright sadomasochistic murder. Agree?
August 13, 2007 by stevendedalus
Should the rest of the nation follow these states by proportionately—based on statewide voting—by dividing up its electoral vote? What’s your take on it? And is it any different from a general popular vote?