Constructive gadfly
Published on August 13, 2007 By stevendedalus In Politics
 Fred Thompson should get off his fat rump and declare his manhood or dropout and let his young wife run.
on Aug 13, 2007
What incentive does he have to officially run at this point?  As it stands, he is getting enough free publicity to do well in polls and get his message out.  Of course, that won't last forever, at some point the strategy will turn on him.  It's a tight rope, but one that really could get him the nomination.
on Aug 13, 2007
The latest "rumors" are that he will announce in September, but who knows.  It's just too early for me to care about any candidate.
on Aug 14, 2007

You got that right, Island; stretched out primaries are the pits.

Yeah, Para, it never pays to be too public and hastily.

on Aug 14, 2007
Oh, he's very public, it's just most of it is costing him and his campaign no money at all. Of course, if he pushes too far, it will cost him a lot more than money in the end. :~D
on Aug 14, 2007

Yeah, Para, it never pays to be too public and hastily.

Someone said the same thing about Bloomberg.  But since the scuttlebutt is that he is going the indy route, why get in now with 20 other pygmies?  Wait until the field is narrowed down, and concentrate on the ones left.  Costs less and you get more of the news coverage since there are fewer to share the spotlight with.

on Aug 14, 2007
Costs less and you get more of the news coverage since there are fewer to share the spotlight with.
Spoken like a true skinflint.
on Aug 14, 2007

Spoken like a true skinflint.

I only have a couple mil to run on, so of course I am going to be a tightwad.

on Aug 15, 2007
I only have a couple mil to run on, so of course I am going to be a tightwad.
Another McCain!