Constructive gadfly
Published on August 13, 2007 By stevendedalus In Politics

You really have to hand it to Hillary’s acumen to be so into the gay thing and still remain straight. Or is it simply Hillary being Hillary, like I’m for the war but against it?

on Aug 13, 2007
What's wrong with gay rights?? I'm a huge gay advocate and that doesn't mean I'm gay.
on Aug 13, 2007
Hillary will say anything as long as it might garner votes, it does not matter what she really thinks or feels, she is just like the rest, a born liar.
on Aug 13, 2007
You really have to hand it to Hillary’s acumen to be so into the gay thing and still remain straight.

Why? Is there a need to "remain straight"? Is there a need to have a colour change to fight racial predudice?

There is certainly a need to stamp out bigotry of whatever nature, the latter is a festering carbunkle on the backside of society. Bigotry is an easy route for the brain dead to follow, as they suffer from a terminal lack of self respect, and are under the insane belief that rediculing others somehow enables that self respect to return.
on Aug 13, 2007
Hillary will say anything as long as it might garner votes, it does not matter what she really thinks or feels, she is just like the rest, a born liar.

And I guess politicians who are pro-life, anti gun-control, pro-war (during 02/03), or any other conservative social side are better, and actually beleive in what they fight?

Or is it that there are a few spoiled appled on both sides of the fence, and you happen to point strongrer those who are not on yours?
on Aug 14, 2007
My,much has changed since my hiatus--where are all the liberals coming from?
You think she's straight?

as in shooter?
on Aug 14, 2007

My,much has changed since my hiatus--where are all the liberals coming from?

Changed? Not really.  But you have been missed.

on Aug 14, 2007

Changed? Not really. But you have been missed.
Yeah, after reading the big Dragon, I suspect you're right. Thanks for the welcome.

Btw, your advice several  months ago on how to comment on the forum by checking trusted sites didn't work. I still can't directly comment except through the backdoor.