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August 18, 2008 by stevendedalus
"Cannot find server or DNS Error Internet Explorer" I keep getting this damnable message in forum. Sometimes the refresh button helps, but mostly it hangs. I can often fare well for a while when refresh works and I hit the back arrow. More recently it is becoming cantankerous and I have to reload JU. I'm always going back to internet options to check or check off items, but I really don't know half of what I'm doing. I'm thinking trusted sites[services.] might have something to ...
August 18, 2008 by stevendedalus
  There is no question that education can lead to a better life. Even in the old days, a young lady wise enough to learn typing led her away from the drudge of the inferior file clerk; or the young man ambitious enough to learn the art of auto mechanics to get away from the monotony of gas attendant. The GI Bill opened the path to college and labor on a higher scale. Out of the one doctor town abundance of specialties and better health care developed. Inventive engineers and knowl...
August 18, 2008 by stevendedalus
  Buster Crabbe and Johnny Weismuller must be swimming in their graves what with the current hoopla of Olympic pool heroes. These giants of Olympic history had to endure the hair on their bodies and pool splash—opposed to today’s technology—that mirrored oceanic waves, nor were high tech sharkskin suits available in the '20s, ’30s. Probably unavailable too were targeted nutritional supplements, parental goading in early childhood, and government athletic programs....
August 18, 2008 by stevendedalus
    Before the push toward the ominous Mt. Yaetake on the China Sea peninsula, the squad’s regiment was camped outside a small village by the end of the second week. The troops rose before the crack of dawn to line up before the regimental cooks who had prepared hospital rations—a cuisine approach to dehydrated foods with a smattering of fresh meat and vegetables whenever logistically feasible. Infantry men burn up heaps of energy and calories and it is preferable that...
August 16, 2008 by stevendedalus
 Between a $6million going rate for offshore oil prospectus and almost a billion for oil rigs it appears that there's really no incentive to get moving on drilling offshore. It's a bit much to think that oil companies are that inspired to search for more oil where it will take them at least a decade to bring to fruition and the return on investment would be virtually nil unless the going rate for a barrel of oil at the time would be in the neighborhood of $500. Try to imagine the costs i...
August 16, 2008 by stevendedalus
    With the freshness of Obama wearing down like a new car smell, it’s back to politics as usual, given the clarity that the grumpy old man surprisingly is keeping the race close. Normally a failing administration in an election year would cause the opposing candidate to be at least double digits in the lead. Despite the crystal grazing even when backed by polls and analyses that favor Obama, there is no certainty he will be the clear winner. Albeit the youth vote in th...
August 15, 2008 by stevendedalus
  Excerpt from my novel 12: Sunday Bulletin Johnny—most of the old timers being drafted—was caddying on the bright, sunny day of infamy. Ricocheting round the course was news of the bombing. Johnny had never heard of Pearl Harbor nor did the other caddies in the foursome. His golfer explained what and where it was. Johnny thought of the strange places depicted in war cards that had no true sense of place, no meaning just as the early years of the war in Europe...
August 13, 2008 by stevendedalus
    Bougainville The United States did once again turn its attention to the Pacific Theatre. Johnny had thought that he would never encounter another jungle as inhospi-table as Guadalcanal until he landed on Bougainville. When his battalion hit the beach there, it was so narrow that tangled growth hung over the lapping shores. There was consolation in that they had immediate cover and advanced into the jungle against scattered sniper fire which was as blind as its source was i...
August 13, 2008 by stevendedalus
    The JU "controversy" should clear the air over offshore drilling. First off as Pelosi says let's start up the inactive licensed areas; then Congress for one dollar should permit all other areas to be explored for plausible oil reserves. When more or less proven, license at $1mil the oil companies to drill as long as it beyond horizons, and if not states in question must approve. As for the use of the Arctic Ocean already under exploration and in competition with other nations...
August 11, 2008 by stevendedalus
  Discarded fir trees rusting on eroding dunes — tinsel fights the winds. Holiday’s bright memories resist the task of learning. Lovers oblivious to dull lectures in class swap notes of feelings. Curled valentines in the slush — the "guess who’s and "x" ’s bleed. Truants hurl snowballs at the yellow caravan — teens hauled home to soaps. Crocus pops through melting snow heralding spring break is near. ...
August 11, 2008 by stevendedalus
    Comprehensive energy policy from oil drilling, CAFE and hybrid cars to taxing bottled water carbon emissions; and materially producing alternative fuels. Reduce the annual deficit to zero in four years. Reduce the national debt to four trillion in eight years. Eliminate earmarks by having each governor submit a list of state priorities subject to fair revenue sharing. Scrap NCLB and allocate funds to schools in disrepair and develop relevant teacher education. Start a Mar...
August 11, 2008 by stevendedalus
  Along the vineyard trail The bursting grapes enjoy While lovers fife and rail, To the baton and lyre boy. Love is all there is Withstanding nature’s lechery But even this will fizz When Bacchus plants his treachery! Farewell O darkened nature, death! And on the hardened breast from winter’s sting Sing and dance to the lyre’s skip of spring While sowing in the thaw love’s regaining breath.   Copyright © 2008 Ric...
August 9, 2008 by stevendedalus
    OBAMA: Paris Britney MCCAIN Paris Britney
August 8, 2008 by stevendedalus
    Big oil has stolen a page from the early ’90s pharmaceutical and AMA conglomerates that had frozen the escalating health costs while Hillary was threatening them with her universal health plan. The freeze lasted about a year until the threat subsided. Then again, perhaps it was the other way around: that the health industry stole from OPEC and corporate affiliates’ pages of the ’70s when America went on a tear to insulate their homes, lower the thermostat...
August 6, 2008 by stevendedalus
  Yes, I love thee more When thou art thin. Perception’s bent Configures thee to be. Love lies not in bed But in the lover’s eye As an artist looks to symmetry. Yes, my love, packaged small Is a gift most suitable to me. “Postage due” Prompts “Return to sender.”     Copyright © 2008 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: Aug 6,  20...