Constructive gadfly
Published on August 11, 2008 By stevendedalus In Politics



Comprehensive energy policy from oil drilling, CAFE and hybrid cars to taxing bottled water carbon emissions; and materially producing alternative fuels.

Reduce the annual deficit to zero in four years.

Reduce the national debt to four trillion in eight years.

Eliminate earmarks by having each governor submit a list of state priorities subject to fair revenue sharing.

Scrap NCLB and allocate funds to schools in disrepair and develop relevant teacher education.

Start a Marshall Plan for a high speed national railway network and infrastructure in general.

Campaigning and fund-raising by members of Congress and congressional and presidential aspirants be limited to five months before elections and two months before primaries.

Withdraw troops from Iraq in six months leaving behind one division as back up in the event resistance to the Iraqi forces erupts.

No nonsense ultimatum to the Taliban and al Qaeda or face serious consequences.

Showdown with Wall Street: shape up or face stricter oversight and regulation


Copyright © 2008 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: Aug 11,  2008.




on Aug 11, 2008
Comprehensive energy policy from oil drilling, CAFE and hybrid cars to taxing bottled water carbon emissions; and materially producing alternative fuels.

YOu cant legislate innovation.

Reduce the annual deficit to zero in four years.

Reduce the national debt to four trillion in eight years.

Both Good, but I doubt either will happen.

Eliminate earmarks by having each governor submit a list of state priorities subject to fair revenue sharing.

Disagree. Send the money to the states as block grants. Get the feds out of it. Better yet, dont send the money to DC in the first place. most states have a revenue sharing with localities (so much of a tax goes to the locality instead of the state). Do the same on the federal level.

Scrap NCLB and allocate funds to schools in disrepair and develop relevant teacher education.

See previous

Start a Marshall Plan for a high speed national railway network and infrastructure in general.

A plan yes. Marhsall might be too extreme.

Campaigning and fund-raising by members of Congress and congressional and presidential aspirants be limited to five months before elections and two months before primaries.

Disagree - I am against this on the basis of the first amendment (and so you now, I hate McCain Fiengold as well).

Withdraw troops from Iraq in six months leaving behind one division as back up in the event resistance to the Iraqi forces erupts.

We will seel no wine before its time.

No nonsense ultimatum to the Taliban and al Qaeda or face serious consequences.
Showdown with Wall Street: shape up or face stricter oversight and regulation


Over all, I applaud you. While we dont agree on the solutions, I think I agree with most of your priorities.
on Aug 11, 2008

I think you can get the deficit down in 4 years (provided nothing major happens), like the Doc, I don't think you could lower the debit in that time frame without crushing tax increases, IMO unacceptable.

I believe congressmen and senators should be limited to two terms in office period. Career politicians = increased chance of corruption. Oh and lower their retirement pay to 50% vice 100% while your at it. Politics should be a service to your country (like the military or peace corp) not an avenue to make mostly rich people richer. In fact tie their pay to the military pay scale (first year E-1 pay, their home state can determine raises for the year if warranted) then we'll see how many "do it for the love of country". That should help lower costs too.

I don't believe Wall Street is in complete control. If they were we would never have a bear market, after all they are in it to make money not lose it.

IMO the only thing the Taliban or al Qaeda want to hear is that we give up. They are too fanatical to negotiate with, they only understand violence. The only thing we can do is hunt them down and kill them (imprisonment is just a recruitment place for like minded individuals), they don't forgive or forget that is there nature and a prime reason the Middle East is the way it is, centuries old hatred and feuds.

on Aug 13, 2008
They are too fanatical to negotiate with, they only understand violence.

Agreed; I did not imply they would willingly come to the table without first punishing them severely.
Marhsall might be too extreme.

Right, terribly overused.