Constructive gadfly
stevendedalus's Articles » Page 11
August 6, 2008 by stevendedalus
    Supplying him with 50,000 more troops from global bases, order General Petraeus to launch a final mop up of all pockets of resistance in Iraq. Enact single payer universal health care by extending Medicare to all, doubling Medicare payroll tax and a 1% national sales tax. Employees will expect compensation in wage adjustments. For every dollar spent on environmentally sensitive domestic oil drilling two dollars will be spent on alternative fuels and modernization of rai...
August 5, 2008 by stevendedalus
    If McCain is too old and Obama too young what is the ideal age for an incoming President? If McCain is too experienced causing him to flipflop and being all over the lot on issues, and if Obama is too inexperienced to form solid policies so that he, too, inflicts flipflopping on himself, what is the ideal level and kind of experience for an incoming President?
August 5, 2008 by stevendedalus
  In the post war ’40s millions became homeowners—courtesy of the G.I. Bill, requiring merely nominal closing costs, insurance and decent wages of the male breadwinner. [To be honest, I’m not sure those who served in women’s reserve were eligible.] The government guaranteed $4,000 of the loan which actually in most cases exceeded 50% of the loan as the average home was priced at $6500-7500—in addition interest was 4½% —resulting in a ho...
August 4, 2008 by stevendedalus
  Examining papers, our passim pedagogue Was asked to give a monologue Concerning matters bright In hope he would forget our indited trite. Rejecting our Machiavellian plea He decried “Utterance no more from ye — My soul’s disjoined From compost — uh, compositions — coined By minds afraid to pen A decent line in English Ten.” Alas, force to let him be, We returned to mythol...
August 3, 2008 by stevendedalus
    C aptain Noil and the lord major entered the most popular alehouse at Modos, a city of cutthroats and international scoundrels engaged in underground trade. In fact, the king had scheduled a stop off and planned to deliver a speech promising to rid the town of corruption. The morning of the fateful day, however, he told Noil that he would by-pass the loathsome town to spare the princess’ sensitivity. Noil intuited that the king was being only partly honest: ...
August 2, 2008 by stevendedalus
  A sixteen month timetable set by Obama is meaningless and dishonest when it is still conditional on the situation in Iraq. The “horizon” set by Bush is also without meaning because by definition it recedes as approached and thus never reached. McCain’s goal of 2013 is equally pointless since it is a dead giveaway that the surge apparently is not working and troop detainment could very well be extended for a hundred years. The real point is that it is clear no one h...
August 1, 2008 by stevendedalus
    The “surge”is a misnomer; there was no dramatic counterinsurgency. It was more like “more cops on the streets” tactic, rather than the previous blunder of patrol cars [Humvees] vulnerable to IEDs. The surge troops, instead of handing out candy to children or repairing bombed out buildings, lavished malcontents with 300 bucks a month to “awaken” the incentive to police pockets of resistance in their neighborhoods. If you can’t fight th...
July 31, 2008 by stevendedalus
  They met blindly and fell blindly; By meeting they discovered a precious thing, By falling they rose to the highest rung Perceiving the meaning of a ring-- Two bent lines meeting to form one. Copyright © 2008 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: July 26,  2008.
July 31, 2008 by stevendedalus
    All the hoopla over ANWR, Arctic Ocean rights and offshore drilling is nothing but a ruse to delude the public into believing so-called energy independence will bring down the cost of gasoline and energy in general. Undisclosed is the oil industry’s motive that with the price of oil at an all-time high, profits will continue to grow like never before. There is no intention to ultimately reduce the price because there would be no incentive for the oil titans to explore f...
July 30, 2008 by stevendedalus
What does it mean really to bail-out financial entities at taxpayers’ expense as though the public is the ultimate in capitalization? In truth, they are debtors of multi-trillions, an immense share of which is held to the vests of foreign lenders. So, when it said that the Federal Reserve intervenes by subsidizing or lending billions to financial markets it is based on funny money backed by the treasuries of Saudi, Japan and China—the true source of capitalization. In reality...
July 27, 2008 by stevendedalus
If we pretty much concede to mandatory insurance on our homes and cars why then is it so hard to accept mandatory health insurance? We consent to multibillions for war, casinos, stadiums, luxury offices and apartments why is it so hard to demand modern railways, and safe bridges? We carry on the war on terrorism, yet how is it we leave our borders and neighborhoods vulnerable? In free trade is it really no concern of ours to insist that underdeveloped countries strive for decent liv...
July 26, 2008 by stevendedalus
 In the beginning there was labor in order to survive. Later there were those who could not withstand back-breaking work and soon forged weaponry to control others to do the work for them. Out of this forced labor grew primeval civilization—the rule of men—subjugating the powerless to its bidding through the division of labor from which sprang the few with talent and skills developing a hierarchy of labor that increased productivity and its own limited stature though still under...
July 24, 2008 by stevendedalus
        By swift boating McCain, General Clark learned it works only when undermining Democrats. Ironically Bush has made it easier for Obama to execute his timetable. Why would Hillary want to give up the powerful influence of New York State for the negative influence of a nation? Cap & Trade should be called what it is: Copout & Gain. Give up Guantanamo? Okay. In my backyard—no way. Death penalty for child rape wipes out the slim cha...
July 22, 2008 by stevendedalus
    The polls that show there’s still a sizable share of voters who think Obama is Muslim is just another creative excuse not to vote for a black President. Racism has many ploys and subterfuges.
July 22, 2008 by stevendedalus
  Hillary for VP   Those who wish unhesitatingly for Hillary as VP should reconsider. Beyond her being simply [to no avail] a nagging gadfly to Obama, she would preëmpt Michelle as First Lady, and worse, be lamed if Obama lost. Moreover, had Carter chosen Ted, Massachusetts would have lost a powerful legislative voice in the Senate as New York would lose Hillary’s.