Constructive gadfly
stevendedalus's Articles In Current Events
January 10, 2012 by stevendedalus
Apple is at it again: thinks its the only show in town. Thirty years of fraudulent proprietary technology while the rest of the universe clones, Apple should grow up and accept reality—IBM was sportsmanlike—so lighten up, Apple.
January 7, 2012 by stevendedalus
"Hourly earnings rose a modest four cents, indicating that most of the jobs being created are low paying."  Ouch--Four cents an hour rules out even Mac's coffee!
April 30, 2009 by stevendedalus
If this were the music era of Kate Smith and radio, Susan would be just another fine voice. In the '50s Toni Arden, not unlike Kate, was also popular and possessed an extraordinary voice--sadly rather hard to look at, but no one cared because music was for listening, not for visuals of sexy broads and fireworks.
October 24, 2008 by stevendedalus
    Leave it to average panicky investors to play into the hands of the professional Wall Street schemers and traders to pounce on the financial crisis to encourage selling low so the the bad guys can buy low. Successful investors have always looked to the bottom before throwing in their megabucks and then relying on the market's slightest hic-cup to sell high in order to set the race to the bottom again. The ostensibly free market is in in fact anarchic roulette. 
December 23, 2007 by stevendedalus
And a Very Merry Christmas to Joe Users In the madness of current times When seems the world’s religions Instead of heralding peace with chimes Pound the drums of war’s abominations; In the chaos of hypocritic scripts When faiths are usurped by demagogues Who shovel falsity from musty crypts To bury truth’s inspired dialogues— Christmas, despite its secular marketplace, On solemn eve dwells in peaceful interface.   ...
October 25, 2007 by stevendedalus
 On this site several years ago when California was as usual on fire, I asked the same question as above. Where is the Air force now? Why aren’t hundreds of B 52s opening the bomb bays and dropping flame-retardants, along with fitting fighter jets with retardants,and why doesn't the state impound some private planes in order to strategically and massively control the rage? The reliance on fatigued ground firefighters cannot really do the job effectively.  
September 18, 2007 by stevendedalus
What is it with these guys who retire from Washington only to write books to insure their legacies? Despite the mystique and oracles on economics and the Federal Reserve, Greenspan felt he had to join the ranks of tell-all volumes. He praises most of the Presidents during his tenure but doesn’t think much of Bush W. For his profligate spending and running up deficits even though he approved of Bush’s tax cuts tearing the heart out of the tentative surplus. Strangely he liked Clinton and praised ...
September 13, 2007 by stevendedalus
 1) Barry Bonds will retire when a. hits 850, b.800, c. turns to flab, d. goes to prison. 2) The next President of the USA will be: a. Clinton, b. Giuliani, c. F. Thompson, d. Obama. 3) Britney Spears will a. shave her head again, b. continue to perform badly, c. be booed off the stage and into the fat farm, d. lose weight and get her act together. 4) Petraeus a. is a delusional optimist, b. doesn’t really believe the surge is working, c. distrusts Bush, d. will be Ir...
August 14, 2007 by stevendedalus
The person familiar with the talks told The Associated Press that Imus is taking steps to make a comeback with WABC-AM. The person, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the news had not been announced, also said the deal with CBS calls for a "non-disparaging" agreement that forbids him from speaking negatively about his former employer. The settlement and possible comeback come more than four months after Imus created an uproar over his racist and sexist comments about the Rutgers wome...
August 14, 2007 by stevendedalus
DHS is rightly tightening up on the program waiving vistas. The Post agrees as opposed to the “extremists” who want to terminate it altogether for security reasons and causing bottlenecks at airports. The Post insists that “the United States must remain as open and welcoming as possible.” I say, what the F…, and simply why? I thought 9/11 changed everything.
August 13, 2007 by stevendedalus
Records attest that the hottest days occurred before WWII! Perhaps it just seemed that way since the only relief other than fire escapes was in the better movie theaters having air-conditioning? Can you imagine going on a vacation trip w/o air-conditioned cars—oh, well, at least in those days there were rumble seats.
August 12, 2007 by stevendedalus
 Much of my early childhood was engrossed in comic book heroes and I was fascinated by the artists’ talents to the point that I, too, used to sketch a likeness of each of their heroes. I would marvel at their physiques and wished someday that my skin and bones would take on the same. The thought never occurred to me that because they were all in tight fitting garbs that they were homosexual. To my surprise, much later in life I learned that some psychiatrists actually postulated that these ...
August 10, 2007 by stevendedalus
Since most tires on our cars are now from China--defective, by the way--it is only fitting that the Good Year blimp fly over the Olympics next year.
March 4, 2006 by stevendedalus
If its okay for South Dakota to ban abortion, why is not okay for Maryland to mandate Wal*Mart to ante-up health care for its employees? Is not choice a sort of social laissez-faire that should not be violated? No, that would be crossing the line of business sanctity.   Auntie Millie Cheney isn’t really spying on one’s favorite aunt — unless her nephew is Bin Laden.
March 3, 2006 by stevendedalus
We damned liberals are at it again! Greenpeace activists tossed a fin of a dead whale in front of a Japanese embassy in protest over Japan’s goal to kill a thousand whales for scientific research. Now, why should we care? Whales are big enough to take care of themselves.