Constructive gadfly
Published on December 13, 2004 By stevendedalus In Religion

Creationists must go ballistic when reports of Hubble’s peering back into time approaching 14 billion years.

Is it a matter of human ego that the universe was created by a Judea-Christian God? Surely, the believer of the Big Bang must feel hurt that he has not been graced by the will of God. For where lies the satisfaction whose beginnings is a mere piece of erratic stardust?

Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: December 13, 2004.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Dec 13, 2004
or whose ending is much the same...

on Dec 13, 2004
or whose ending is much the same...

So, you believe that a person who does not accept the theory of Creationism does not believe in the existance of an afterlife?

on Dec 13, 2004
no, that's just my personal belief
on Dec 13, 2004
What is your personal belief?

on Dec 13, 2004
no intelligent design; no afterlife
on Dec 13, 2004
Yes, but who or what created the big bang?
on Dec 13, 2004
nobody "created" it

It wasn't something from nothing

on Dec 13, 2004
It wasn't something from nothing
Right, there is an unending before.
on Dec 13, 2004
well, I wasn't around, so I can't tell you the details
on Dec 13, 2004
Right, there is an unending before.

Why not. An expanding then contracting universe. We could be living in the 4th or 5th incarnation of the universe. Each new big bang giving rise to a new shuffling of the cosmic cards. Creation and destruction played out on the unfathomably grand scale.

Over and over until an ending event or until the cause has stopped.

It wasn't something from nothing

That's the question. Isn't it. what was there before the big bang, and if the universe is expanding, what is it expanding into?

on Dec 13, 2004

Right, there is an unending before.

That is faith.  because Scientist dont have the answers, so any answer to how the Big Bang was created is not science, it is a religion.


on Dec 13, 2004
so any answer to how the Big Bang was created is not science, it is a religion.

I would think it is more theory, a hypothesis based on evidence, than religion, unless you consider having faith in science a religion.

on Dec 13, 2004

I would think it is more theory, a hypothesis based on evidence, than religion, unless you consider having faith in science a religion

No,that is the trap.  For science says nothing of what preceeded the big bang, not even a theory.  So if one is to 'believe' any hypothesis, it is not based upon science, but faith.

on Dec 13, 2004
No,that is the trap. For science says nothing of what preceeded the big bang, not even a theory.

Science always has a theory: Link

It is just that they are not sure. It is a theory that has to be proved or disproved. This will come with time and scientific advancements in detection and observation.

Also, a hypothesis is not be be "believed". It is a thought that has to be verified.

on Dec 13, 2004

It is just that they are not sure. It is a theory that has to be proved or disproved. This will come with time and scientific advancements in detection and observation.

And it is not mainstream.  For there is no evidence to even form a hypothesis. Such is faith!  Even scientist have it!

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