With the current controversy over loudmouths from the pulpit like Reverends Hagee and Wright spewing hatred for government and fellow man, is there any wonder that the Founding Fathers erected the separation wall between church and state? For the Fathers knew the power of pulpit over lording ignorant flock to do God’s bidding in consonance with the passion of preachers bereft of reason and that the few intelligent among members would shrug it off without public in...
Pundits again are applauding Obama; this time over his speech on race. In so doing, however, they are inserting another bias by qualifying that Obama’s thoughtful oratory may only reach understanding with the suburban educated class already claimed to belong to Obama and that the blue collar, uneducated “knuckleheads” of Hillary supporters will not be capable of absorbing its “nuances.” However, these nuances clearly were meant to safeguard his virtuall...
Do you think Hillary will throw in the towel if [apparently when] she loses Texas and Ohio? Or if she wins one of them will she hang on by her fingernails till Pennsylavania?
Thank the gods, there's only one more Democratic debate; the past half dozen have been boring, hearing the same tunes from each one. There's really no debate when everyone agrees but for such minor differences. Of course this "historic" primary contributed to the candidates having to walk on eggs, fearing the race or misogyny card.
Defending Secularism Lisa Miller’s “defense of secularism” is a courageous piece. There has been too much of made pf religion, particularly in Newsweek that’s beginning to look like an encyclopedia of the world’s religions. Miller, in zeroing in on the word secularism, sums up the idiocy of undue emphasis on faiths incessantly conjuring another form of class warfare—separatists vs. modern churchgoers. In my heyday a secularist was one who bel...
Is it so strange that Ted Kennedy et äl have come out of the closet for Obama, or is there some truth to the grapevine that the JFK speech writer Ted Sorensen is behind Obama’s “oratory”? Then again, maybe Gov. Deval Patrick is the ghost writer--whatever. And btw, did JFK’s speeches make the invisible difference in barely beating Nixon? However, after tonight's Wisconsin primary, it is evident that Obama is the general election candidate and we hav...
It should be no contest but it appears the latest polls suggest that nearly 50% are going to stay the course regardless of the multi-faceted incompetence of the President: ● Though a majority wishes the war in Iraq never happened, it still, defying all logic, heralds Bush as a strong leader and commander in chief. ● American...
The great “liberal” empire state is cutting 512 jobs in Yonkers’ city schools along with interscholastic sports, music, art, and after-school programs for the reason that there is a limit to raising local taxes when short-funded by the state. … Whoever heard of a nonpartisan congressman? — Goss, the nominee for the supra CIA agent who recently blasted Kerry’s alleged votes in intelligence cutting, promises to be above politics. If Kerry wins the appointment will be academic. … Besides Goss as...