Constructive gadfly
Published on September 17, 2004 By stevendedalus In Democrat

It should be no contest but it appears the latest polls suggest that nearly 50% are going to stay the course regardless of the multi-faceted incompetence of the President:

●             Though a majority wishes the war in Iraq never happened, it still, defying all logic, heralds Bush as a strong leader and commander in chief.

●             Americans are church-goers, many of whom lean heavily toward the prodigal son, even though Kerry — perhaps Catholic isn’t very American — led a religious life since boyhood and was involved in public service all his adult life.

●             Bush is praised for cutting taxes and still wants to cut more since he knows that 50% don’t give a damn about deficits and burdening their grandchildren with the debt for a war no longer acceptable.

●             The near majority prays that the cantankerous — diametrically opposed to its own integrity — ultra-liberal Nader will be on the ballot in every state to insure election of Bush.

●             Senior citizens are supposed to kiss the feet of Bush for his prescription drug law even though by pharmaceutical profiteering it will cost them more in the long run.

●             The near majority knows full well that No Child Left Behind is but a slogan with no funds to back it up, but still think of him as the education president.

●             Sixty percent give Bush a favorable rating but still think the nation is heading in the wrong direction.

●             The majority thinks the economy is fine under Bush but believe Kerry would handle it better.

●             The near majority doesn’t think Kerry is decisive but it is okay for Bush to be maniacally and decisively wrong.

●             Because Bush has taken the war on terrorism to Iraq the majority feels safer — do they really believe, in light of our open borders and ports, that a suit case nuke attack will be wasted in Iraq?

●             Because the American trained Iraqi forces are now carrying the brunt and dwarfing the American casualties, the body count is irrelevant; besides who but the family of twenty-three US troops dead this September really cares?

●             The thought never crosses the mind of this majority that were it not for a Supreme Court decision, there would be over a thousand of our youth alive today and seven thousand in one piece.

Better to be a thoughtful flip-flopper than lemming-like staying the course exhibited by far too many voters.


Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: September 18, 2004.


on Sep 17, 2004

Excellent piece! If the voters analyzed the election in terms of the issues confronting us and the record of the candidates, they would have to look long and hard at facts that would strike fear into their hearts. We are faced with a social security system that will be phased out as part of the "throttle the beast" approach the Bush people and many Republicans take.

We have medicare premiums projected to rise 37% over the next 3 years while the cost of living raises in Social Security will rise less than 6%.

But this race, more and more isn't about issues, it's about whether CBS used forged documents!

Amazing, absolutely amazing.
on Sep 17, 2004
Crisp argument! The dumbing down of America is apparently a harsh reality show.
on Sep 18, 2004
Better to be a thoughtful flip-flopper than lemming-like staying the course exhibited by far too many voters.

despite all of your scewed statements, i think the fact that Bush stands up for what he believes in (and KNOWS what he believes in) is a very good trait for our president to have. It seems just about every democrat is determined to clone everyone into believing exactly what they do... and if they dont, they are stupid and/or mentally deficient.
The conformist attitude of America is apparently a harsh reality show.
on Sep 18, 2004
i think the fact that Bush stands up for what he believes in (and KNOWS what he believes in) is a very good trait for our president to have.
My president right or wrong, eh? Well, you're entitled to that. And no it is not cloning to believe but cloning to think.
on Sep 18, 2004
It says in the post that a majority of American's think that Kerry would handle the economy better. That is an error. The latest polls show Bush leading in the economy 50-45. Another interesting thing about that post is that it uses the term "near majority" twice. Thats a minority.
on Sep 18, 2004
"near majority" is another way of saying 49-48, though your polls would not agree.