Constructive gadfly
stevendedalus's Articles In Politics » Page 2
February 17, 2012 by stevendedalus
Romney outsourced himself a longtime ago— "Detroit Export." His father is surely not R.I.P. anymore
February 16, 2012 by stevendedalus
Rick Santorum has a 70% chance of winning Michigan? Unbelievable!! It appears the auto industry and anti-abortionist are on the same bus heading toward Romney's desttruction and their own come November.
February 11, 2012 by stevendedalus
Quotes many Joe users wished they had said: Congressman Allen West: "The public good is a misnomer, created by our liberal friends. It is not the public good that matters, it is the personal good." Cal Thomas: "Well I’m really glad, Genevieve, that you played the Rachel Maddow clip, because I think that she is the best argument in favor of her parents using contraception." Ann Coulter: "Democrats are like your degenerate brother-in-law who borrows money for rent, spends it on crac...
January 11, 2012 by stevendedalus
A Romney win in SC, HA! No way! An ex-governor of Massachusetts, and to boot initiating statewide universal healthcare, you can count on SC running him out of town.
January 11, 2012 by stevendedalus
"A three-member panel of the  Denver-based U.S. Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled unanimously that the rights of plaintiff Muneer Awad , a Muslim man living in Oklahoma City , likely would be violated if the ban on Sharia law takes effect." Regardless of the ruling, Sharia law would still be practiced, but the courts should definitetly prosecute violations of human rights, particularly women's and children's.
January 11, 2012 by stevendedalus
Some candidates just don't get it. Paul should just declare himself a Tea Partier and run on it. Santorum should startup a Vatican Party. Perry should indeed secede. The professor should returtn to his ultraconservative district in GA in order to rejuvenate ccarnival barking. Huntsman is in the same leaking boat as Giuliani and Romney last time--they're in the wrong party. To get anywhere in the GOP he has to abandon his principles as Mitt has done.
January 10, 2012 by stevendedalus
Remember when Reaganomics turned the New Deal uoside down? Let's take on the poor economy by returning to respectable labor laws and restructuring a vibrant middle class. It's not rocket science. The need for Public Works[hiring PRIVATE contracturs] is a foregone conclusion. Furthermore, we have to put an end to lionizing millions who work more than 40 hours a week in order that others can be hired. The Labor Department should enforce the law. There should also be a surtax ...
January 10, 2012 by stevendedalus
"I want individuals to have their own insurance," Romney said yesterday in a speech at the Nashua, N.H. Chamber of Commerce.  "That means the insurance company will have an incentive to keep you healthy. It also means if you don't like what they do, you can fire them. I like being able to fire people who provide services to me." When you campaign for seven years, you’re bound to lose sight of purpose. Now he wants to be The Donald!
January 9, 2012 by stevendedalus
Not so Opposites clash. Talk about contrasts even though neither could be more conservative. Santorum is war mongering over Iran, and Paul wants all stateside! Santorum has the war industry euphoric and Paul the peaceniks or pacifists dancing. Perry, of course tops them both with sending troops back to Iraq.
January 9, 2012 by stevendedalus
"I know what it's like to worry whether you're gonna get fired," Romney explained to a crowd of several hundred people in Rochester. "There were a couple of times I wondered whether I was going to get a pink slip.'' This coming from son of an ex-governor and auto industry executive!!  Romney suffers from amnesia.
January 9, 2012 by stevendedalus
With regard to Paul's cheap shot, calling Newt a draft dodger, Vietnam was a long time ago. Paul should know that Carter exonerated them. Let it go. You don't hear anybody lambasting Muhammad Ali anymore. Vietnam was a long time ago. Paul should know that Carter exonerated them. Let it go.  
January 8, 2012 by stevendedalus
Though I'm surely no friend of the former Speaker, Paul's cheap shot at Newt's lack of service is totally outdated and irrelevant. His rancor is consistent with the Paul image as a cantankerous old man--and i should know!
January 7, 2012 by stevendedalus
Though we think of the Republican Party consisting of white voters we forget that 45% of color votes the hard right line as well—mystifying. Of course, Miami and other key cities have a lot to do with it, since most of the ostensible "color" vote is Latino.
January 7, 2012 by stevendedalus
"15000 jobs gained" A drop in the bucket. As usual economic stats are muddled and unreliabe. Significant growth in jobs won't happen until Congress gets it's act together .    
January 7, 2012 by stevendedalus
Black People Alert: "paychecks, not food stamps" Newt is back shooting from the hip.