Constructive gadfly
Published on January 10, 2004 By stevendedalus In Politics

Though a full third of the nation is poorly educated are they without common sense, too? -- hardly. Common sense, however, is constantly bombarded with the amoral static and sophistry of the right wing, such as:

Every one should be free to pursue the American dream of wealth -- without stating the odds are equivalent to winning the lottery -- let alone the ultimate dream of good health, happiness and helping the less fortunate.

Fifty percent of Americans own stock therefore commoners will benefit from eliminating tax on dividends -- without mentioning that practically all of them are sheltered and very modest.

Why shouldn"t there be tax cuts for the wealthy? -- after all, they pay more taxes. [While FDR rolls in his grave.]

Tax revenue belongs to the people, not the government, and should be allowed to spend this money as they wish. [Does this mean that it will cost $25 each time one dials 911, or have cash up front for an emergency visit to the hospital for those 40 million uninsured? Does it mean if your street is pocked with pot-holes that residents go to Home-Depot and load up with bags of asphalt? Should we go back to the 19th century and let the charity organizations set up poorhouses? Should the police be sent into retirement and replaced by vigilantes? Will Airforce I & II be relegated to the junk yard and let the President take a bus?]

[Feeding off the militia mentality and states' rights] Big government is oppressive and bad for the nation because it imposes its will on the sovereignty of the fifty states. [Does this mean we should emaciate the three branches of government, tear down the White House and move the Commander-in-chief to the Pentagon?]

Left to itself, the free market and deregulation will bring prosperity to the people. [Dribble down again.]

Teachers' unions are the blame for the weakened condition of the public schools, therefore all parents have the right to choose the right school with the aid of vouchers. [To hell with teacher qualification.]

A woman does not have the right to her body once pregnant because from conception she is two people. [If she's two can't she outvote her adamant husband?]

The public pays more taxes now than ever before. [Tell that to the taxpayers before Reagan. Of course, it is never said that for the wealthy and corporations taxes are less than ever before.]

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