Constructive gadfly
stevendedalus's Articles In Consumer Issues
December 24, 2003 by stevendedalus
 To shop or not to shop at Wal-Mart is a serious puzzle. There is no question that the consumer benefits from the bargains without atmosphere and frills. The benefit, however, may be short-term as it appears to be waking the union’s gentle giant, particularly those in the food chains that have found that non-unionized WalMart is now king of the food chains. We of the bottom line gush: WM is surely doing something right in the competitive world. We also like to champion small business with ...
January 4, 2004 by stevendedalus
A strange article in “The Nation” of this week, co-authored by women apparently versed in ’tween and adolescent matters of what’s selling. They cite a stat from a market research firm [NPD] that the sale of thongs climbed to $610 million and $150 million of which from girls ranging in age 13-17. Manufacturers are treating these like T’ shirts with all kinds of naughty and cute inscriptions and logos from Dr. Suess Cat to Muppets, not to mention a puppy thong with the inscription “Wanna Bone?” ...