Constructive gadfly
Published on April 25, 2009 By stevendedalus In Politics



Fevers were running high in the wake of 9/11, and many high-level officials from the president to CIA bomb-ticking “24” paranoids—to say nothing of amateur sadists at Abu Ghraib —lost control of reason. No amount of rationalization will justify the use of unduly “harsh treatment,” or if you will, “torture.” Granted legitimate POWs are a respectable cut above the thugs of al Qaeda and deserve relatively humane treatment from their captors. Terrorists, however, are not “noble” soldiers defending their country right or wrong. They are murderous fanatics who in battle normally under fire would be killed unless the order to take no prisoners was lifted for the purpose of interrogation, which indeed would be extremely harsh under combat conditions, yet short of methodic torture even though if the captive situation were reversed chances are beheadings would be the end result.

There is understandable ambivalence over the current buzz over the release of the “torture” memos, precisely because the “harsh” treatment was perpetrated on such unsavory characters. Still, we are a nation of laws and not men who occasionally are irrational despite the excuse of 9/11. After all, if there were indisputable evidence that some captives were responsible in the masterminding of violating our country, then a speedy court martial would result in speedy execution, rather than the nonsense of illegally trying to extract relevant information which clearly was not the case or the officials would have uncovered the whereabouts of Killer bin Laden in lieu of such fantasy that the data led to more plots against the nation.

Even if it were true that torture draws reliable intelligence, this nation should be above medieval inquisitions which could also spread to all captives including our own. Those who were allegedly engaged in such unlawful tactics should be reprimanded and a public censure against the previous administration for violating the trust of the people.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Apr 30, 2009

All right, but it's a poor use of the term liberal unless you mean neo-liberal whuch is entirely different. 

Neo-liberals favour the free market. Their position has nothing to do with the conflict as such, although as free market champions they usuallt favour Israel over the terrorists and freedom over religious fundamentalism.

I used the term "liberal" as it is now commonly understood: left-wing quasi-socialists. Most of the vocal support for the terrorists (and Arab fascists) comes from them.


on Apr 30, 2009

hello again why do you all still tell us what is wrong with this country and yet we are exactly what is wrong with this country both you and i allow what is happening so let's stop these horrors go to listen to jdcriveau and hear what he has to say is he an idiot or someone speaking the truth you decide but if you want to stop these things you complain about then you decide when are you going to stop them some answers are at at jdcriveau's channel listen to his videos and you decide who do you want to lead this country a political party or someone who will bring you with him to our government so go to check ouot jdcriveau listen and read about him then you decide


on Apr 30, 2009

I doubt she 'd get the nuances.

Feel free to try me. You might be surprised. What? I'm too young to use the sense that I was born with? There's a saying that I absolutley love. "Sometimes wisdom comes with age and sometimes age comes by itself." Don't judge me by my age and I won't judge you by yours.

on Apr 30, 2009

go to listen to jdcriveau and hear what he has to say is he an idiot or someone speaking the truth

We like to articulate our thoughts in writing pretty much here. Youtube videos have there place that for sure, at least until the next water skiing squirrel comes around. There is much less theater here among friends.

Nice plug, abet shameless, for you video though... might get more of a response if you write an article and link to it on Youtube.

on Apr 30, 2009

articulate our thoughts in writing

i'd go check it out if i thought he spoke the same way he writes in one long statement without pausing for breath just lettin the words roll out one after another and another until his brain starved of oxygen because he don't pause to take a breath shuts down and he collapses whereupon his autonomic nervous system takes over causing him to breathe and he gets back up and begins talking again possibly even making some sorta minimal sense until the syndrome begins anew.

on Apr 30, 2009

Don't judge me by my age and I won't judge you by yours.
Good for you--well said, Mommie.  Though I wasn't casting aspersions on your age. You see, I didn't check out your profile.

on Apr 30, 2009

It's like going to Disneyland to check out  all the autonomons.

on Apr 30, 2009


Good for you--well said, Mommie.  Though I wasn't casting aspersions on your age. You see, I didn't check out your profile.

Well, sorry if I misread what you said, but what you said came across that I couldn't understand your point of view, which I took as a stab at my age where I probably shouldn't have. Sorry, but I've came across the attitude many times that if you're not over "x" age then you have no brain. *sigh* Was one of those days...

on May 01, 2009

Well, sorry if I misread what you said
No apology needed; actually kingbee brougt up a blog i wrote so long ago that I'm not sure what I said other than I was probably defending Truman for his decison to end the war. 


on May 01, 2009

I was probably defending Truman for his decison to end the war.

that would be the one.  i've been reminded of it several times including while watching ken burn's documentary about latter stages of the war in the pacific as well as those several feature films about okinawa from a couple years back.

on May 02, 2009

okinawa from a couple years back.
Aye, and I was on Okinawa; the closer to their homeland the fiercer they got.

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