Constructive gadfly
Published on September 12, 2008 By stevendedalus In Politics



Why in the world would the Republicans choose ABC’s Chuck Gibson to interview Palin? It was tough enough to make a solo debut without this pompous broadcaster shooting questions at her. Obviously she was nervous and programmed but she would have come off better had she been more relaxed with the likes of Judy Woodruff or Katie Couric.

Nor will Sean Hannity coming up next week going to help her out because he’ll be putting words in her mouth and fawning all over her. Since Fox News is next in line—and from a liberal this is quite an admission—I’d prefer O’Reilly who did a decent job with Obama.

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on Sep 12, 2008

I can't imagine why they let Charlie Gibson have the honors either.  I want someone who will ask the tough questions, not someone who will do nothing but make accusations that end with a question mark.  That's as useless as the fawning.


on Sep 13, 2008

WOW! What is this the first or second time we've ever agreed?

on Sep 13, 2008

Yeah, I had to take a picture of it myself, in case it never happens again. ;~D

on Sep 13, 2008

Why would anyone need to help her out? She's getting along a lot better than gaffe machine Joe Biden.

on Sep 13, 2008

Why in the world would the Republicans choose ABC’s Chuck Gibson to interview Palin?

I can't imagine why they let Charlie Gibson have the honors either.

I'd guess for 2 reasons......They would have been criticized had they chosen her first interview with a conservative and more importantly, being partisan with liberals has always been a leading characteristic of McCain.

In hindsight, the McCain camp should have insisted that they broadcast her full answers. They  showed only snippets which made it seem as though her answers were rehearsed GOP soundbites. 

For a first interview, nervous gitters and all, I think Palin did fine, held her own patiently answering every one of Charley's questions. Calling him by name helped.  Charley is the one who ended up looking and sounding the worse. I thought his "gotcha" questions and particulary, the "hubris" remark was over the top and one he'd never say to Obama.


on Sep 13, 2008

Nor will Sean Hannity coming up next week going to help her out because he’ll be putting words in her mouth and fawning all over her.

From what I've seen thus far, there is no "putting words" in Palin's mouth. No doubt though that Hannity will give her a chance to explain or re-answer more clearly some to the same questions Gibson brought up.

Hannity, like the rest of us conservatives, is feeling that exuberance which Palin has brought to the GOP.  As for the "fawning" part, we'll have to wait and see.


on Sep 13, 2008

They would have been criticized had they chosen her first interview with a conservative

there's not too many out there to pick from at the moment so it would have looked odd if she went to a Conservative newsman knowing they are far outnumbered by the more prolific Liberals. 

I'm just wondering where and when the interview with Joe Biden is going to come up as an equal with what they are doing to Palin.  Did I miss it? 

Why would anyone need to help her out? She's getting along a lot better than gaffe machine Joe Biden.

I agree.  She's doing all right thus far even though Charlie did look sort of like the wolf at the door of Little Red Riding Hood. 



on Sep 13, 2008

Why would anyone need to help her out? She's getting along a lot better than gaffe machine Joe Biden.

INdeed.  Is that why the democrats are still running against her instead of McCain?

on Sep 13, 2008

Maybe the campaign chose Charlie Gibson because they knew he'd make a fool of himself?

on Sep 13, 2008

I thought he was borderline rude and very condescending.


on Sep 13, 2008

I thought he was borderline rude and very condescending.

His interest was not in 'reporting' - it was in his own rep.  His fellow travelers would have crucified him if he hadn't twisted her nipples a bit.

Oh, did I just say that?

on Sep 13, 2008

Oh, did I just say that?


the toothpaste is out of the tube..........

on Sep 14, 2008

Is that why the democrats are still running against her instead of McCain?
Yes, I'm irked by that strategy as if they were running scared.

Maybe the campaign chose Charlie Gibson because they knew he'd make a fool of himself?
You may be onto something here.


on Sep 15, 2008

I love the way that people automatically assume that Sarah Palin has to be programmed for answering questions.  I think it's more like she's groomed for a national media that she has never experienced, much the same way that the prosecution prepares a witness before taking the witness stand.  They don't tell the witness what to say, they just help them know what to expect and how to handle themselves.

She didn't have speech writers provided by others when she won the bid for mayor or most likely when she ran for governor.  I think that she was able to get as far as she has on her own determination and grit.

Everyone saw that Obama faltered when he lost his teleprompter.  It's been all over the place.  Why can't we just realize that they are people, the same as we are but with a bit more ambition.

Gibson did a lousy job interviewing her, true.  He acted pompous and arrogant.  He misquoted and was ill prepared.  She had the exact same posture and means of answering as Obama did during his O'Reilly interview.  He slouched forward and his eyes were unfocused. 

We need to focus on the truth and on the issues at hand.  We need to give credence to both candidates weaknesses and strengths.  We also need to understand that for the past two years we have had a deomocratic rule in both the house and the senate, things have not improved but they want to blame all of it on Bush. 

Personally, I don't want to give more of my tax dollars to the welfare program.  I don't want an increase in taxes when I'm already living paycheck to paycheck.  I don't want to provide college dollars to low income students when my children won't qualify for the program but I can't afford to send them to college.  It doesn't seem fair.  I have to weigh all of the issues at hand and then see where the scale tilts.

on Sep 15, 2008

Palin stays on message, she's 'programmed' or 'sticking to the script?'
C'mon, both sides are programmed to a point. And it is a little tiring to hear over and over again: put on ebay,...thanks but no thanks...pitbulls and lipstick.

Obominable Blackman
What a cruel, insensitive shot.

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