Constructive gadfly
Published on September 12, 2008 By stevendedalus In Politics



Why in the world would the Republicans choose ABC’s Chuck Gibson to interview Palin? It was tough enough to make a solo debut without this pompous broadcaster shooting questions at her. Obviously she was nervous and programmed but she would have come off better had she been more relaxed with the likes of Judy Woodruff or Katie Couric.

Nor will Sean Hannity coming up next week going to help her out because he’ll be putting words in her mouth and fawning all over her. Since Fox News is next in line—and from a liberal this is quite an admission—I’d prefer O’Reilly who did a decent job with Obama.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Sep 15, 2008

Personally, I don't want to give more of my tax dollars to the welfare program. I don't want an increase in taxes when I'm already living paycheck to paycheck.
Old hat "programmed" thinking. You wouldn't be hit with more taxes. 

on Sep 15, 2008

Old hat "programmed" thinking. You wouldn't be hit with more taxes.

Not a given.  He has stated he would allow the Bush tax cuts to expire, which is a tax increase.  And many of those cuts were for the low and middle income.  Obama is being vague - a common trait, but no one can say that there would not be a tax increase for everyone since the only concrete statements about taxes that Obama has made shows a tax increase for everyone.

And anyone voting fro Obama for a tax cut is swallowing koolaid.  From Mondale to Clinton, democrats have shown that tax increases are not just for the rich, but anyone paying taxes (which is about 80% of the wage earning population).

on Sep 17, 2008

And here I thought it was just a clever play on words...Abominable Snowman/Obaminable Blackman...
Oh, I got it, just like the title of the recent book on Obama, titled OBAMA NATION--clever[?] too.

on Sep 17, 2008

Belated note: I got the "shiite", too with the subliminal 'S' !

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