Constructive gadfly
Published on May 26, 2004 By stevendedalus In Blogging

Although I'm now into another novel and do not write blogs with the same frequency, I am still very much a fan of JU. I've learned recently from Brad that feature articles require some HTML editing and helps clear up why so few of mine have been featured. But my major gripe is in the point system governing user points--I'm not into the arcane system of what constitutes top blog sites, leaving that to professionals. Since I joined JU some six months ago, I have been trolled to the tune of over 1,000 points. My writing does not deserve such treatment even though I have a leftist view, I still try to give rightists a fair shake, nor would I ever, ever troll anyone having an opposing view and I know most of you have the same sentiment.

I respectfully submit that the administrators seriously consider either terminating the user points altogether or at least remove the trolling and insightful choices in order to preclude some hot head or hyper appraiser from wreaking imbalance to otherwise rational blog sites. 

Furthermore, I've noticed that the comments, which are supposed to serve as an interface of serious ideas, are more often than not pit bull reactions that serve no purpose to the sites original aim; yet at the same time JU unduly rewards the commentators with undeserved points the more they go at each other. A case in point is that some of the top ten bloggers have written fewer articles than those further down the scale, precisely because they rack up points at an incredible rate owing to their mad dash to comment on everything and anything. Jamie Burnside, for instance has written 232 articles and yet he's ranked 18th!

Comments (Page 1)
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on May 26, 2004
You make some good points there, steven. No pun intended. lol
on May 26, 2004

Since I joined JU some six months ago, I have been trolled to the tune of over 1,000 points. My writing does not deserve such treatment

I agree with you.  You're a very educated writer, and you don't deserve to be trolled.  Unfortunately, people who write a lot about politics tend to rub people with opposing views the wrong way.  Even though you respect other bloggers' opinions enough to not troll them, they're not all as honourable as you are.

I respectfully submit that the administrators seriously consider either terminating the user points altogether

we all know that this is more than likely not going to happen.  The mere fact that you took the time to write this article tells me that you care about the points, at least on some level.  Are you not happy with your rating?

precisely because they rack up points at an incredible rate owing to their mad dash to comment on everything and anything.

Replies & comments are what make the blogging world go 'round.  If someone wants to comment on anything and everything, then I say "let 'em"... Are all comments constructive and informative, worthy of stimulating discussion?  umm... no.  But in a pinch I would rather have 3 silly off handed replies than none at all.  Who cares if someone leaves as a response and nothing else?  at least you know that they checked out your article. 

Jamie Burnside, for instance has written 232 articles and yet he's ranked 18th!

so what you're saying is that if you write a lot of articles, you should automatically have a high rating?  c'mon now.  "Shadystopchic" has 108 articles, and she's ranked #75.  Is that not fair either?  If points are earned by posting articles & getting replies, and by replying to other people's articles, then you're gonna have to do both in order to be in the top ten.  There are always going to be bloggers who are going to do both. 

Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: May 24, 2004.  <--- what does this mean at the end of some of your articles?  are they published somewhere else?  are you reprinting articles written by Richard Kennedy?  just curious...

I think you're a great writer, and you're obviously very intellectual.  I don't read a lot of your stuff, because I just don't like getting into discussions about politics.  There are just so many facets to every political argument that it's tough to determine who's 'right' and who's 'wrong'... Most of it just ends up being meaningless, because people rarely change their minds, and the lawmakers just end up doing what the hell they want anyway... (i.e. driving drunk, hiring prostitutes, etc... j/k)

I have a couple things in mind that I would suggest to enhance your blogging experience, but you don't appear to be asking for advice, so I'll just end my response here.

on May 26, 2004

Actually Jamie Burnside is ranked #2 for his blog, not #18.  He's nubmer #18 as a user, meaning that he doesnt comment as much as other people.  232 articles is what gets him ranked #2 for his blog because apparently, thousands of people actually do google searches for American Idol.

Also, you can't be "trolled" for blog entries, only for comments.  If you dont want to be trolled, just dont comment.

JU is 2 completely seperate point systems, User and Blog.   You get user points for comments, and for POSTING a blog.   However the points that an article recieves are counted toward your BLOG rating, not your user rating. 

on May 26, 2004
You, of all paople, do not deserve trolling. When you leave a comment it is always a comment about the article. Unfortunately, I can't see the point thing ever ending.
on May 26, 2004
are you reprinting articles written by Richard Kennedy? just curious...

im guessing he IS the writer. its almost as easy to copyright these days as it is to plagiarize. its a smart move for a man who is a professional writer or has aspirations

im not sure how the point systems works altho jeremy g's explanation seems to confirm my observations.

on May 26, 2004

The user point system is based mainly on the comments that you make.  It's activity based, not based on your blog.  A good example is me.  I am in the top 10 users because I comment a lot.  However, a lot of my articles are private and I don't write one a day, so my blog is somewhere around 50 (not totally sure where it is.  I didn't even realize I was in the top 10 bloggers until this article was written and I looked at it).

People can not excessively troll you (you can only troll somebody once per reply and only like 4 times a day.....there would have to be a lot of trolling going on for you to lose that many points).  Why do you say the 1,000 points are from trolling, anyway?  Somebody had an article on this just recently when we explained how the points are based on a timeframe.  If you aren't as active, then you will lose points.

A lot of people will troll if you make a comment about the blogger instead of the article, or if your response is basically just one line and doesn't really add anything to the article. 

Trolling really isn't used that much.  It's not used any more than the Insightful ratings, so it is doubtful that all those points were simply from trolling.

Why are so many people paranoid about the points?  Does the point system really effect people that much?  Do you guys only read the top 10 bloggers/sites or something?  I'm still not sure what the big deal is about the point system and why people keep claiming that it is "unfair". 

on May 26, 2004
What I find funny is that it's always people high on the list that complain about the points.
on May 26, 2004

Kingbee's intuition is correct--stevendedalus is richard r kennedy; thanks, Karma, I really thought trolling was more based on the article than the comment; I did not know that user points were subject to timeframe;  imaginit, no, I don't care what the rank is; I'm concerned over the trolling factor as a vindictive tool, which does not reflect the spirit of a healthful site; I know perfectly well how to juice up my points--I won't go there--suffice to say, deliberated controversy and junking up articles with google hit keywords are not my cookies; I missed the fact that Jamie is #2 as an overall blog site--I'm happy for him.

The number of articles are not the wherewithal--I realize they are relatively useless if not read--still, that doesn't stop me from writing; after all, there's always the chance some will stop by and hopefully find it enlightening regardless of the slants.    

on May 26, 2004

I did not know that user points were subject to timeframe

It's logical that they are- otherwise, new people wouldn't stand a chance.

on May 26, 2004

P.S. Sorry, I missed your comment, Saiyan; if by "complain" you mean "defend", then its ironic; but if you think I'm high on the list, that is funny. 

Wise Fawn, thank you. I think, judging from the comments, points are here to stay and inviolate for those never trolled.

on May 26, 2004
Articles can't be trolled.
on May 26, 2004
BTW, I would agree that the time is coming that we need to add a hall of fame that lists TOTAL blog points and not just the past 30 days.  Right now, the top blogs are based on points from the past 30 days.
on May 27, 2004
Draginol: does that mean I'm correct in that USER points are not subject to the 30 day time limit?
on May 27, 2004

I believe user points ARE subject to the last 30 days because part of your user points is based on your blog score which ages.

on May 28, 2004
Draginol, I think I get it now. In other words, the total blog points, which include the user points, are in 30 days deducted [percentage-wise] such as 30x5=150?
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