Constructive gadfly
Published on May 26, 2004 By stevendedalus In Blogging

Although I'm now into another novel and do not write blogs with the same frequency, I am still very much a fan of JU. I've learned recently from Brad that feature articles require some HTML editing and helps clear up why so few of mine have been featured. But my major gripe is in the point system governing user points--I'm not into the arcane system of what constitutes top blog sites, leaving that to professionals. Since I joined JU some six months ago, I have been trolled to the tune of over 1,000 points. My writing does not deserve such treatment even though I have a leftist view, I still try to give rightists a fair shake, nor would I ever, ever troll anyone having an opposing view and I know most of you have the same sentiment.

I respectfully submit that the administrators seriously consider either terminating the user points altogether or at least remove the trolling and insightful choices in order to preclude some hot head or hyper appraiser from wreaking imbalance to otherwise rational blog sites. 

Furthermore, I've noticed that the comments, which are supposed to serve as an interface of serious ideas, are more often than not pit bull reactions that serve no purpose to the sites original aim; yet at the same time JU unduly rewards the commentators with undeserved points the more they go at each other. A case in point is that some of the top ten bloggers have written fewer articles than those further down the scale, precisely because they rack up points at an incredible rate owing to their mad dash to comment on everything and anything. Jamie Burnside, for instance has written 232 articles and yet he's ranked 18th!

Comments (Page 2)
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on May 28, 2004

It is interesting when I am held up as an example.

232 articles is what gets him ranked #2 for his blog because apparently, thousands of people actually do google searches for American Idol.

Let me say something in defense of myself.  I was #8 in Joe's top ten before "American Idol" started.  Writing about a television show has resulted in me getting bumped up six places,  It isn't like I "came out of nowhere."

A case in point is that some of the top ten bloggers have written fewer articles than those further down the scale, precisely because they rack up points at an incredible rate owing to their mad dash to comment on everything and anything. Jamie Burnside, for instance has written 232 articles and yet he's ranked 18th!

You're trying to say that my "low" rank has to do with the fact that I don't comment much?  I think that's what you meant, but it wasn't clear to me the first couple of times that I read it.  JeremyG pretty much explained it in his response.  Lots of write + Few comments = My blog.

Let me end with a question:

I have been trolled to the tune of over 1,000 points

How do you know that you've been trolled? 


on May 28, 2004

232 articles is what gets him ranked #2 for his blog because apparently, thousands of people actually do google searches for American Idol.

Oh, by the way: It is millions.

on May 29, 2004
I would really like a thorough explanation of the points system Brad... you *think* really isn't good enough

Insert not whinging disclaimer*

I have written 2 articles and had about 100 comments in the last three days, However, my points are about 400 lower than when this current slide began when I merely questioned someone's opinion.

I want you to reassure me that the points I have lost are based on the site, rather than a stupid amount of vindictive people abusing the trolling system.

on May 29, 2004
I have written an article that is trying to explain the point system mechanism


You might find it interesting

on May 29, 2004
I have written an article that is trying to explain the point system mechanism


You might find it interesting

on May 29, 2004
I have written an article that is trying to explain the point system mechanism


You might find it interesting

on May 29, 2004

I have written 2 articles and had about 100 comments in the last three days, However, my points are about 400 lower than when this current slide began when I merely questioned someone's opinion.

Muggaz, couldn't it be because the first two articles in the thirty day cycle were 400 points stronger?  Once they were "out of the rotation," your points may have gone down.

on May 29, 2004

Your user points = Points generated via commenting and such + Points derived from your blog.

Your blog points age so that only the last 30 days of points matter. So as popular articles fade off, your user points will be affected. Trolling/Insightful scoring isn't particularly meaningful to users with popular blogs. 

Let me give you an example. My user score is only a little more than twice Dharmagirl's. You can hence imagine how many points have faded from my score over the months.

on Jun 03, 2004
I know I've been trolled because Brad once commented that to lose so many points you must've ticked off a lot of bloggers; moreover Dan Kaschel once wrote a blog apologizinf for trolling me.
on Jun 03, 2004
By the way, i lost another 100 + points---I suppose, for the first of the month---it seems the 30 days are now every 15.
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