Constructive gadfly
I extend my hand to Fred Thompson for admitting he’s not much for church-going; Biden, too, has guts to say that his belief is his own business and no one else’s. The three top tier Democratic candidates seldom let an utterance go by without some reference to their God as though that would make them stand out among the crowd. It seems to me that the most important belief—an oath actually—is that they will defend the Constitution and show depth in democratic principles. One who is a nonbeliever or simply lukewarm to religion is really irrelevant; for voters should know that in time of crises, a divine power is inevitably invoked. Even a Hitchens on his death bed will supplicate if not God surely, some mysterious power—and I don’t mean the Antichrist—as in the proverbial there are no atheist in foxholes.
Comments (Page 2)
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on Sep 17, 2007
I do think that a candidate has to be a Christian to be elected in this country at this time

Hmmm, I'm not so sure.

I just wondered do you have any reservations about Romney's mormonism?

Yes I do.

on Sep 17, 2007
I just wondered do you have any reservations about Romney's mormonism?

Yes I do.

And, pray tell, what reservations may those be?
on Sep 17, 2007
And, pray tell, what reservations may those be?

It's my understanding that Mormons believe that there in not one God, but many gods for many worlds. I'm not sure whether or not they believe Jesus Christ is God or not, perhaps you can tell me yes or no.
on Sep 18, 2007
Yes, in order to get my vote, the candidate must both believe in God and also that Jesus Christ is God.
You're kidding, right?
on Sep 18, 2007
respectfully disagree. Watch the brilliant mountain-climbing film, "Touching the Void" and you might change your mind about God always being invoked in crisis and no atheists being in foxholes.
Did they stand on the mountain top, beat their chest and scream "Damn you, God"?
on Sep 18, 2007

It's my understanding that Mormons believe that there in not one God, but many gods for many worlds. I'm not sure whether or not they believe Jesus Christ is God or not, perhaps you can tell me yes or no.
It's a good question but I don't think outsiders really care, except viewers of "Big Love."

I want to see where they stand and how they differ.
Me too.

on Sep 18, 2007
Yes, in order to get my vote, the candidate must both believe in God and also that Jesus Christ is God.

You're kidding, right?

I'm serious. This is part of my personal litmus test.

The US Constitution says to "secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity..."

To me, our "liberty"; our inalienable rights come from God ..and "our posterity" is our future children (who in order to be born must be assured of his unalienable right to life, be delivered safely from the womb).

My vote goes to the candidate that assures me he will protect "our liberty" and "our posterity". In good conscience, I could never trust (ergo not vote for)a person who doesn't believe in God or Jesus Christ in the first place.

on Sep 18, 2007
Yes, Lulapilgrim, we do accept Christ as our Savior and the only name under heaven by which we can be saved.
on Sep 18, 2007
Lula posts:
I'm not sure whether or not they believe Jesus Christ is God or not, perhaps you can tell me yes or no.

Yes, Lulapilgrim, we do accept Christ as our Savior and the only name under heaven by which we can be saved.

Yes, ParaTed2k, this is what I understand.

However, it doesn't specifically answer my question. Do Mormons believe Jesus Christ is God? I always thought Mormonism was a variance of Arianism which denies Christ's Divinity.
on Sep 18, 2007
I'm serious. This is part of my personal litmus test.
 my apology,obviously you weren't kidding.
on Sep 18, 2007
I suppose it's possible to believe in Jesus without attributing divinity to him.[?]
on Sep 18, 2007
Sure, a lot of historians study the time and life of Jesus without thinking of Him as diety. The Jews usually have a lot of good to say about Him, but don't consider him the Messiah. The Moslems believe He was a prophet for his time and area.

on Sep 18, 2007
But the correct people think He's divine.   
on Sep 18, 2007


Re: reply #28---you sure don't mince words. No jail for you, Go pass "GO" and collect 200.00 bucks.
on Sep 18, 2007
I suppose it's possible to believe in Jesus without attributing divinity to him.[?]

Yes, I suppose so for anyone can believe as they wish. It seems to me that if one believes in Jesus they believe what He said about Himself, wouldn't you agree?

The Divinity of Christ is attested by His own words for He certainly claimed to be God and He certainly did things for which God alone could do.

At the feast of the dedication of the Temple, Christ clearly asserted His Divinity. The members of the Sanhedrin asked Him, if thou be Christ tell us plainly. And CHrist answered them saying "I speak to you and you believe not....I and the Father are one."

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