Constructive gadfly
Published on September 4, 2006 By stevendedalus In Politics

The Bush administration repeatedly uses the refrain “cut and run.” This is only natural as it had cowardly cut and run in Afghanistan, and repeatedly used the same in Iraq — the cue was the banner “Mission Accomplished.” After May of ‘03, the outcome was “slam dunk” and the course of the war meandered in the simplistic confidence that the war was indeed over. When the harsh reality of insurgency ran rampant, it was too late to conjure up anything but pretentious bravado — “bring it on.”

For Rove to accuse Democrats of “cut and run” is hilarious. Democrats are not in charge of the war and whether they are for the war or against it has no bearing on the fate of Iraq — the administration decided long ago that it would not use its full resources to invade. In this sense “cut and run” was the strategy even before the combat began. Had they the backing of the UN “cut and run” would have worked to set the stage for UN peacekeeping within a truly liberated nation but with its infrastructure virtually intact. Had they resorted to this same strategy with Afghanistan, once the warlords, together with the Taliban, were forced to throw down their arms there would not be resurgence there today.

To “stay the course” is ludicrous when it is obvious our leaders have no will nor means to win.


Copyright © 2006 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: September, 4, 2006.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Sep 05, 2006
hi man, well i realy agree with what you say, is very sad that this country is still on the hands of this a**hole, is good to know that
there is a lot of people that think the same way, but it's realy sad that the power of a few always controls what peace is about.
on Sep 05, 2006
is there no lie too low
on Sep 05, 2006
Actually, if you read the Rove speech, you would see he clearly is not talking about democrats, and the only senator he names is a republican one from the FDR era.  It was Reid and Dean who politicized the speech and basically took off on a rant that had nothing to do with what was stated.
on Sep 06, 2006
Actually, if you read the Rove speech, you would see he clearly is not talking about democrats,
Ah, but how clear the implicitness! Not to mention again tying the current situation to WWII.
on Sep 06, 2006

Not to mention again tying the current situation to WWII.

Oh, the tying to WWII was very explicit!  That was the whole point.  If we fail to learn the lessons of that war, we are doomed to repeat them.  But this time, we truly do have the capacity to destroy man as we know him today.

on Sep 06, 2006

without reading this as an attack response. "what should we do"? Just pack and leave? stay?

What seems reasonable to you?

on Sep 06, 2006
Oh, the tying to WWII was very explicit!
Oh, yes, I agree; but you think not mentioning DEMs explicitly   clears him of the charge, yeah, right. You know, the REPs in the '30's were the isolationists--you cannot accuse the DEMs today of that.
on Sep 06, 2006
What seems reasonable to you?
Even with a Democrat Congress it is unlikely that they would cut off appropriations for Iraq, but they might shortchange in tandem with troop attrition. Nothing can essentially change until '08 with Sen Hagel or Gen. Clark as president. 
on Sep 06, 2006

Reply By: stevendedalusPosted: Wednesday, September 06, 2006
What seems reasonable to you?
Even with a Democrat Congress it is unlikely that they would cut off appropriations for Iraq, but they might shortchange in tandem with troop attrition. Nothing can essentially change until '08 with Sen Hagel or Gen. Clark as president.

nice non answer steven, "what seems reasonable TO YOU?"

on Sep 06, 2006

Oh, yes, I agree; but you think not mentioning DEMs explicitly clears him of the charge, yeah, right.

No left!  And not all the isolationists are Dems.  But I think the attack of the Dems on Rummy is more indicative of their guilt complex, than anything Rummy said.  If you made a statement like "All war mongers are poop heads!", it would not cause me to get defensive, as I know I am not one, and you did not say "All Conservatives".

on Sep 06, 2006
...cowardly cut and run in Afghanistan

We left? Please explain.
on Sep 06, 2006
Psst!  Welll done on the feature!
on Sep 08, 2006
We left? Please explain.
No, we're still there but thousands of our troops were redeployed to Iraq. Had we concentrated on Afghanistan without a blown-up diversion, the country would be more stable and our troops gone by now.
on Sep 08, 2006

nice non answer steven, "what seems reasonable TO YOU?"
There comes a time when one must cut his losses. Deploy near Syrian and Iranian borders and let the Iraqis kill themselves.


Doc, All conservatives are tax cut mongers.


on Sep 08, 2006

Doc, All conservatives are tax cut mongers

Here! Here!  I represent that remark!

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