Constructive gadfly
Published on September 4, 2006 By stevendedalus In Politics

The Bush administration repeatedly uses the refrain “cut and run.” This is only natural as it had cowardly cut and run in Afghanistan, and repeatedly used the same in Iraq — the cue was the banner “Mission Accomplished.” After May of ‘03, the outcome was “slam dunk” and the course of the war meandered in the simplistic confidence that the war was indeed over. When the harsh reality of insurgency ran rampant, it was too late to conjure up anything but pretentious bravado — “bring it on.”

For Rove to accuse Democrats of “cut and run” is hilarious. Democrats are not in charge of the war and whether they are for the war or against it has no bearing on the fate of Iraq — the administration decided long ago that it would not use its full resources to invade. In this sense “cut and run” was the strategy even before the combat began. Had they the backing of the UN “cut and run” would have worked to set the stage for UN peacekeeping within a truly liberated nation but with its infrastructure virtually intact. Had they resorted to this same strategy with Afghanistan, once the warlords, together with the Taliban, were forced to throw down their arms there would not be resurgence there today.

To “stay the course” is ludicrous when it is obvious our leaders have no will nor means to win.


Copyright © 2006 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: September, 4, 2006.

Comments (Page 2)
2 Pages1 2 
on Sep 08, 2006
No, we're still there but thousands of our troops were redeployed to Iraq

Is this what the leading Democrats propose for Iraq? I was under the assumption they wanted to pull all the troops from Iraq and redeploy to .. wherever .. Okinawa is the only one that comes to mind but I believe the main point was all the troops.

I'm guessing there is no difference in those two tactics in your opinion, at least as far as categorizing both as 'cut and run'.
2 Pages1 2