Constructive gadfly
Published on June 15, 2006 By stevendedalus In Politics
  On Okinawa for the first time Marines in the Pacific had to deal with significant numbers of civilians. Our platoon came upon a large cave whence emanated a burst of rifle shot. The platoon retaliated with dominant firepower for some thirty seconds. There was no return fire — just screams, groans and cries. Slowly several women and children emerged from the mouth. The Marines were aghast; the first team of the first squad cautiously — making certain the civilians were not booby trapped — approached the bloodied file. Another, a tiny woman, emerged carrying in her arms a mortally wounded child. Others followed, carried out or limping and crawling; in their midst was a Nip soldier, arms raised, bowing, pleading mercy. The civilians pushed him away and shouting angrily apparently for his desperate action leading to their bloody fate. In all there were some forty civilians, of whom eight were dead and most wounded whom the corpsmen attended.

The platoon was guilt-ridden throughout the day and cursed the coward who had fired from the cave. Obviously there is no correlation to Haditha other than the uptightness of men in combat. As an ex-marine, I find it incredible that Haditha was a deliberately crazed reaction to avenge a fallen comrade. There has been no reports, however, that rifle fire had ensued from the houses in question; and even if there had been Marines would have riddled the houses before kicking down the doors to size up the situation.

I fear, if indeed true as transpired, Haditha sumbolizes frustration among troops in a war gone awry when Marines not poorly trained reservists no longer conduct themselves with combat discipline and moral sense.


Copyright © 2006 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: June 14, 2006.


Comments (Page 1)
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on Jun 15, 2006
I'll be glad when all sides of the story are out in the open and the situation is finally addressed, however it may end. I don't think we'll be held with any esteem by those who hate us no matter how it goes, so I hope that we don't "make an example" of these men if they don't deserve it, just to serve our image.

Glad to see you here. I was beginning to wonder if we'd have to come track you down.
on Jun 15, 2006
Yeah, it seems no matter what, there's always some cover-up to wade through.
on Jun 15, 2006
Yet another ex Marine, willing to betray active Marines to feed his own ego.

You jump to a conclusion when you have insufficient evidence to even back a theory. You state what you consider facts here, when you have NO idea what really happened.

You have turned your back on those Marines, if you ever utter the words "Semper Fi" again, you are lying through your teeth.

We don't yet know if those Marines acted without honor, that will come out in time. However, you have proven here, with your own words, that there is NO honor in you.

Why are you so quick to condemn these Marines? Why are you such a coward?
on Jun 15, 2006
Why are you so quick to condemn these Marines?
You have a serious reading problem. You also have colossal balls calling me a coward.
on Jun 15, 2006
As an ex-marine, I find it incredible that Haditha was a deliberately crazed reaction to avenge a fallen comrade.

Ok Coward, you tell me, what part of this did I not understand?

Sure, you went on later to say:

I fear, if indeed true as transpired

However, you had already condemned the Marines in question in your earlier statement. You didn't qualify your condemnation of them, you merely played judge and jury, as if those Marines had no right to anything more than the trial by public opinion you obviously support.

You weren't a coward in your younger years, and I thank you for your service. However, if you can sit there on your butt now, and betray those Marines without knowing crap about the situation, you sir, are a coward. You are truly an "ex-Marine" and not the "former Marines" who retain their pride and faith with those who serve today. Apparently you would rather make idiotic statements about their guilt than give them the dignity of due process. They have earned more than that, especially from a vet.

My only regret here is that I am forced to call you out in print instead of to your face. However, here you get to defend yourself... something those Marines won't get to do in your pitiful court of public opinion.
on Jun 15, 2006
Richard R Kennedy, man without honor.
on Jun 15, 2006
I don't see anything in the above for you to be such an asshole about, ParaTed. "I find it incredible" means he has a hard time believing it. He's saying that if it is true there has to be more to it than just marines going nuts.

#6 is out of line, shameful, and frankly if you had any self respect you'd remove it. It shows how quickly some people will backstab servicemen the moment they differ with them politically. You are doing EXACTLY what you are accusing stevendedalus of.

The mood here these days is sickening, and it needs to be changed. The level of discussion has tanked in the presence of this junk. WHat we need is to drag a few more people like stevendedalus in here so you guys won't consider yourselves champions by default.

Sorry, steven, but this junk has gotten on my nerves lately. I apologize for joining in the off topic rant.
on Jun 15, 2006
I admire your integrity to stand up for the truth no matter how difficult it is as an ex marine. Haditha will remain seared in the collective memory of the Iraqi people for eons to come. I have said the samr thing in myLink

I would like to add that some of the responses I got were just crazy.
on Jun 15, 2006
You have a serious reading problem. You also have colossal balls calling me a coward.

I don't see anything in the above for you to be such an asshole about, ParaTed.

#6 is out of line, shameful, and frankly if you had any self respect you'd remove it. It shows how quickly some people will backstab servicemen the moment they differ with them politically. You are doing EXACTLY what you are accusing stevendedalus of.

Amen to all of that.
on Jun 15, 2006
Ok, so he turns his back on his fellow Marines and convicts them without evidence. I guess that is the new honor.
on Jun 15, 2006
Good to see you back Steven.  I hope you post more.
on Jun 15, 2006
As an ex-marine, I find it incredible that Haditha was a deliberately crazed reaction to avenge a fallen comrade. There has been no reports, however, that rifle fire had ensued from the houses in question; and even if there had been Marines would have riddled the houses before kicking down the doors to size up the situation.

You state this as fact when I have seen nothing proving this as fact. Why don't you wait for the investigation to be concluded before condemning these Marines. I do not believe that our Marines would murder a family if they were unprovoked. You said there were no reports of rifle fire from the home and you know this how? Because the citizens of Haditha, which is a hotbed of the insurgency said so? They have no motivation for vilifying the American troops do they? Is that the only scenario you think would justify the marines opening fire? After an IED attack, following procedure they searched the homes within 50 yards. What happened from there only the Marines and victims know.

The problem is that it's hard to distinguish citizens from insurgents. They are not wearing uniforms marking them as the enemy. That doesn't mean that our soldiers aren't just as dead when these "peaceful citizens" detonate an IED. I just think we need to give our soldiers the benefit of the doubt until the investigation is completed. Why is everyone so quick to believe the worst and condemn our soldiers?
on Jun 15, 2006
" Ok, so he turns his back on his fellow Marines and convicts them without evidence. I guess that is the new honor."

Wow, would have never expected such a backhanded retraction... not.
on Jun 15, 2006
As A Former marine I stand and wait for all the evidence to be presented before I even am willing to make statements about the incident at Haditha. I afford the marines in question the same I would afford anyone, Innocence till guilt is proven. In todays climate { I thank the left for this} to many times the military is tried and convicted in the court of public opinion, before one fact is made public.

We are so willing to believe the worse about our military, and specially the corps { Again the far left strikes} I prefer to remain Semper Fidelis.
on Jun 15, 2006
It boggles the mind. Read it again LW. I know he has a good grip on vocabulary, I think his detractors don't.

"As an ex-marine, I find it incredible that Haditha was a deliberately crazed reaction to avenge a fallen comrade."

It's his opinion is based upon what he writes above that line, which is hell-and-gone beyond that any of you can put forward. If ParaTed really had respect for servicemen, he'd grant that kind of service some respect. He's saying that based upon his experience the pet theories, on both sides, don't seem to add up.

I've said almost the EXACT same thing on my blogs about Haditha, but because stevendedalus is known to be against the Iraq war and a Lefty in general he gets smeared and I get nods. It's shameful, especially when they use his service as a jab against him when we have nothing to tell us he is "without honor" other than a differing opinion on Iraq.

If ParaTed ever, EVER makes this kind of statement on my blog he'll never comment on any of them again. stevendedalus is a lot more charitable than I am. Anyone that would tell a WW2 vet who served as stevendedalus did that he is "without honor" based upon a single opinion on a messageboard has none himself.
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