Constructive gadfly
stevendedalus's Articles In Baseball
August 23, 2008 by stevendedalus
  DH as we know it—"Old timers day every day"— should be done away, but managers in both leagues should be allowed one pinch hitter AB without having to remove the pitcher, or a slumping batter. To add to the strategy, such a designated pinch hitter forgoes this strategy except for traditional pinch hitting duty the next two games. The manager, however, is allowed this option in every game provided it is a different bench player. This compromise should make it accept...
October 18, 2008 by stevendedalus
Starting Pitchers I believe it is time for the starting pitchers to form their own union in order to demand respect. Pitch counts should stop being the mantra for disallowing a pitcher from finishing a game which he obviously has under control. Further, he should be able to argue with the manager who is in the process of giving him the hook. The union should be titled the Dangerfield Union.