Only a handful of politician on the left are advocating immediate and total withdrawal from Iraq. They are more interested in a clear timetable that will send a message to the insurgents that we are calling their bluff if we no longer "stay the course" insurgency will end. In the meantime, most troops should be deployed to the borders of Syria and Iran to prevent further incursions of Al Qaeda. If this move has a favorable effect, the timetable would begin the attrition. If the first stage does not lessen hostility, NATO should be urged to send in troops, preferably from the Arab world. If NATO and the UN do not cooperate in peacekeeping, despite the invitation of the existing Iraqi government and us, then a strong warning to insurgents and sympathizers that " strategic" air strikes will begin, regardless of collateral damage. Furthermore, if events prove favorable, we should terminate construction of permanent military installations.
Copyright © 2006 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: January 29, 2006.