Constructive gadfly
Published on December 27, 2005 By stevendedalus In Politics

When members of the Christian Right are put back in their pews.

When the first barrel of oil flows from ANWR.

When Democrats return to their FDR roots, and Dixiecrats put an end to their gross piety and put to rest honorably the confederate flag.

When we return to the time-honored: fear is but fear itself.

When Gov. Jennifer Greyholm is granted constitutional dispensation to run for the presidency.

When scissors are again banned from flight, except for defense when the destination is the Middle East.

When the government takes over corporate pension plans and health plans for current retirees.

When the government issues universal health care cards to the newborn.

When Iraqi oil flows to the US and with a huge discount.

When SUVs run on hydrogen.

When liberals stop nitpicking isolated injustices as if it were symbolic of the indifference of the right.

on Dec 27, 2005
I am so glad people like you are silenced from the main stream media. I do belive the media is trash, but it stops liberals like you from spreading your destructive message. During Bush`s final three years in office the supreme court will be swung so far to the right, idiots like you won`t even be able to keep a journal of your thoughts without going to prison. Go ahead and keep praising homosexual rights and social justice for the far left and see what happens to you. Maybe you should try to nominate Gloria Steinem for president, she seems to be what you really want.
on Dec 27, 2005
**When Iraqi oil flows to the US and with a huge discount.**

This ruins the whole line. So out of the whole war you want a pumping station? You sicken me.

The best gift to the US would be that Iraq does indeed get a decent democracy in place and the country settles down and lives in peace much like Japan did after WWII. Japan afterwards has become a great friend to the US.

We didn't go to war with Japan to get a fucking discount on Rice.
on Dec 27, 2005

I do belive the media is trash, but it stops liberals like you from spreading your destructive message.

YOu got the wrong liberal here!  Trust a conservative older than you are!

on Dec 27, 2005

This ruins the whole line. So out of the whole war you want a pumping station? You sicken me.

I stand corrected.  Steven you have done it again!  I salute you and got to give you an insightful for the article!

on Dec 27, 2005
Hey Foul!
on Dec 28, 2005

This ruins the whole line. So out of the whole war you want a pumping station? You sicken me.
I believe there are posted ten other reasons to cry victory. You only picked the one that you could vent irrational invective upon me.

YOu got the wrong liberal here!
You stand out midst the overly reactive forces.


on Dec 28, 2005

Go ahead and keep praising homosexual rights and social justice for the far left and see what happens to you. Maybe you should try to nominate Gloria Steinem for president, she seems to be what you really want.
You must be reading another blog; surely, not this one. Nor does it clearly align with this:

When liberals stop nitpicking isolated injustices as if it were symbolic of the indifference of the right.

You could stand a good dose of good humor, along with some practice in reading.

During Bush`s final three years in office the supreme court will be swung so far to the right, idiots like you won`t even be able to keep a journal of your thoughts without going to prison.
This is victory?! It would seem one as vicious as you should be imprisoned to cool down and perhaps grasp some logic--you will feel much better.

on Dec 28, 2005
This ruins the whole line. So out of the whole war you want a pumping station? You sicken me.
I believe there are posted ten other reasons to cry victory. You only picked the one that you could vent irrational invective upon me.

You're the one that posted the original. If you didn't want someone to possibly use it against you then you shouldn't have posted it.
on Dec 28, 2005
Beautiful, steven.
on Dec 28, 2005
When Gov. Jennifer Greyholm is granted constitutional dispensation to run for the presidency.

I had no idea who Jennifer Granholm was until this article. Seems like a good governor of Michigan. Too bad she was born in Vancouver, BC.
Y'know, granting her the ability to run for president will allow Arnold to run, too. So this wish is a double-edged sword.
on Dec 28, 2005
I agree for the most part. I would have prefer it said:

When members of the Christian Right keep their religious beliefs in their pews.

Nitpicky? probably, but there there is a valid concern about the idea that people of strong religious beliefs should somehow have two strikes against them when entering in the political process. We hear it every time Liberals in Congress start talking whispering about a Supreme Court nominee being a "cath-o-lik" much in the same way the traditional protestant right did back in the Kennedy election.

There are a lot on the Christian Right who have the ability to wander from their pews to the political process and uphold the Constitution, and even uphold judgements they differ with bitterly, like Roe v. Wade. When we start letting religious fervence cast a shadow on doubt on people, it will be abused by the Left to promote their own candidates and issues in knee-jerk fashion.
on Dec 28, 2005

You're the one that posted the original. If you didn't want someone to possibly use it against you then you shouldn't have posted it.
I'm not thin skinned; I simply meant that he deliberately ignored the rest just so he could center on what fit his angst most. Frankly with the sacrifices we made there I don't see anything wrong with the US expecting preferential exporting of oil.

Y'know, granting her the ability to run for president will allow Arnold to run, too. So this wish is a double-edged sword.
Yeah, but muscleman is finished; he realizes by now he's shot his load and is out of his element.

on Dec 28, 2005

There are a lot on the Christian Right who have the ability to wander from their pews to the political process and uphold the Constitution, and even uphold judgements they differ with bitterly, like Roe v. Wade.
I agree but they are all too rare. It is seldom an individual can leave his beliefs at the door;, yet to enter the political process one must think America first and religious convictions second. The same applies to the left who seem contentious to anything religious, which is as bad.  

When members of the Christian Right keep their religious beliefs in their pews.
You said it better.

on Dec 28, 2005
Thanks, Texaii, for your beautiful support.