Constructive gadfly

Boy:     Kinda nice having holiday music in the halls. Puts you in the spirit--like you really want to do something nice for mankind.

Girl:     Obviously not womankind! {she grunts, struggling with her books}

Boy:     {Ignores her} Ah, less than six hours away--and then freedom for two weeks!

Girl:     You speak of Christmas spirit and in the next breath all you can think of is a vacation! Before you go off on a ski trip somewhere mentally, how about exercising some spirit and help me with these books?

Boy:     Huh?...Oh, sure {takes a small paperback from the top and slips it under his arm.} What are you doing with all these, anyway, Jessica? This is a day of celebration; there won't be any work for us.

Jess:    You don't have my teachers, Brian, especially Mr. Crooge, whom many of the kids refer to as slave driver!

Brian:   I just lost my spirit--how is the old bagger? Did he ever change the old stained brown bag from last year? I swear, he carried his lunch in the same bag all year.

Jess:    Can't tell...always crumpled and stained...same as his tie...can't stand looking at it. And what's worse, he has this awful habit of rolling it up and letting it fall as though it were a party favor.

Brian:   Fat chance your having a party in his class today!

Jess:    Ha!...Would take a miracle....Well, I've got to run.


Copyright © 2005 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: December 20, 2005.

on Jan 11, 2006
No takers, eh?