Constructive gadfly
Published on December 12, 2005 By stevendedalus In Current Events

Actually the subject of Santa is not as slam dunk an either/or issue of existence. There are those who don’t believe in him yet do! There are those who do believe in but don’t! Chauvinists believe in him in the image of a sexy woman to effect erection. There is the conditional belief: kids only. Parents believed in Santa when kids, therefore their children must believe in him, too, with the confidence they will grow out of it as they did. There are those who think of him as a giant commercial hoax, yet hop on his Macy’s float for the sake of their kids. Many are fiercely skeptical until they reluctantly follow through on family tradition and pope in the DVD of Miracle on 34th Street and become as much believers as their children. The sacrosanct in denial strip the entire scenario of a crass Santa and gala subdivisions to a bareboned calendar date subliminally signifying ignorance, yet enjoy the day off. Some find Santa an affront to a religious occasion, but cannot turn down the secular rewards. Credit card companies believe in Santa post-mortem when the profits roll in. Business people, believers and non-believers, agree Santa is a cash-cow.

What cannot be denied is that Santa is existentially in line with the West’s infrastructure of necessary consumerism, but with the bonus of consumerism uniquely giving. As for me I am a dvout believer in Santa’s existence because Mommy said so — and I don’t mean the government.

Copyright © 2005 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: December 12, 2005.

on Dec 12, 2005
Let me guess.  Your real name is Thomas Mara, Jr.?
on Dec 12, 2005
Rather, R.H. Macy, Jr.
on Dec 12, 2005
I personally am getting a kick out of those who say that by saying they don't believe in god, atheists by default prove the existance of that which they deny.

So by not believing Santa means there is a Santa?????

Yay!! I've been really really good this year......
on Dec 12, 2005
So by not believing Santa means there is a Santa?????
Isn't it just grand to turn logic upside down?
on Dec 13, 2005
Go pick up "American Gods" by Neil Gaiman, steve,if you haven't already. It's about what happens to the old gods that immigrants bring with them to America, and the new ones we are creating. I think you'll find the concept of America's "Holy Places" interesting.

You are banging away at the exact subject matter. I think in this frame of mind you'd really enjoy it.
on Dec 13, 2005
Thanks, I just might add it to my Christmas--ahem, holiday--list.