Constructive gadfly
Published on December 8, 2005 By stevendedalus In Politics

According to Newsweek Muslim women have discovered a new approach to liberation: become an equal among al Qaeda jihadists by dedication to their cause. Obviously, I should think, they cannot discard their burquas; they need them to hide the dynamite strapped to them. After all, it’s only right that women, too, be graced with the privilege of martyrdom. I trust Heidi might see to it that seventy studs await them.

on Dec 08, 2005
A very interesting approach. However, as Joseph Asagai side to the effect of in "A Raisin in the Sun": American women claim to be the most liberated, but they complain the most about it."
on Dec 08, 2005
Someone is on a roll!  Thanks for 2 laughs today!  But I would suspect that recruiting women would be easier.  They have nothing to look forward to if they dont like the current situation!
on Dec 08, 2005

American women claim to be the most liberated, but they complain the most about it."
all the power to them; if they don't complainm they know they will be back in the kitchen. 

They have nothing to look forward to if they dont like the current situation!
Yeah, actually they have nothing to lose--even alive they're dead.