Constructive gadfly
Published on December 8, 2005 By stevendedalus In Politics

There are some 11,000 New Yorkers serving in Iraq, and Clinton sees to it that there is unalterable support for them. What politician would be foolish not to see to troops needs? Of course, her hawkish view extends to ‘08, but soon she has to get off the fence and begin a visionary plan for winding down the war.

Urging more health care and armor will not be enough to carry her through.

on Dec 08, 2005
True, that is a dilemna for Hillary.

The other dilemnas stem from a need to be something she isn't. As the actual campaign season nears, she has to act more moderate than she is... and she has to act like she is presidential material. ;~D
on Dec 08, 2005
she has to act like she is presidential material

I recommend she watch Gina every week!
on Dec 08, 2005
As the actual campaign season nears, she has to act more moderate than she is... and she has to act like she is presidential material.

Yes, it's her own fault that her introduction to America was the lefty health care debacle. Then she gets all presidentially aspirated, and she has to appeal to centrists and moderates. Good luck with that.
I predict right now that if she runs in 2008, it will be an Anybody But Hillary campaign.

I recommend she watch Gina every week!

Who's Gina?
on Dec 08, 2005

I thought this was going to be the dilemna that she has to paint a record as a moderate, and yet still win the democrat nomination.  She has no record as a moderate, other than recently, and everyone knows that is so fake.  Because one day she is queen of the moderates, and the next, a screeching liberal.  The problem is that she has to get the nomination, so she has to tack back to the left.  But after 6 years of betrayal, will they believe her?  Perhaps.  Will the American Public believe her when she tacks back to the left and then tries to convince them she is a moderate?  Only if the republicans run a totally idiotic campaign.

that is her problem.  She cares not for 11k votes out of 20 million.

on Dec 08, 2005
Who's Gina?

I think Steven means Gena Davis on Commander-in-chief
on Dec 08, 2005
presidentially aspirated

doesn't that require a pretzel and a beverage?
on Dec 08, 2005
I think it means you have a blower in the office.
Sorry, I couldn't pass this one up.
on Dec 08, 2005

I think Steven means Gena Davis on Commander-in-chief
Thanks for the spelling correction.

her introduction to America was the lefty health care debacle.
In face of the private health insurance debacle, she was right.

on Dec 08, 2005

I think it means you have a blower in the office.
Ah, how sweet is nostalgia!

Perhaps. Will the American Public believe her when she tacks back to the left and then tries to convince them she is a moderate?
So what else is new in the political arena?

on Dec 09, 2005
a blower in the office

i was actually alluding to the prez who aspirated a pretzel but....
on Dec 30, 2005
I thought it was something about a cigar.