Does the NRA support Hezbollah’s right to bear arms in Lebanon?…
I have no qualms about the FBI issuing a NSL [National security letter] but I resent their right to snoop into my financial records what with identity theft on the rise. Surely, there must be a better way to monitor suspects rather than randomly including average citizens.…
According to David Broder, Ohioans couldn’t care less about the economy, scandals, or lukewarm over Katrina, but they’re obsessed with the abysmal prosecution of the war, particularly since the August ambush of Ohio Marines, killing fourteen.…
Could it be that Creationism interprets the serpent in the Garden of Eve as tyrannosaurus Rex?…Incidentally did the Garden spring overnight from hot lava?…
The Catholic Church optimistically requires homosexuals contemplating the priesthood to overcome their preference — why can’t they simply commit to celibacy and hanky panky as the heterosexual priests are expected to do?…
It is insulting and obscene to suggest — as did a TV weatherman decades ago and was fired — that a woman “lay back and enjoy it” when raped; then is it presumed that a fourteen year old boy resist while an adult female ravages his innocence?… Forgive my crudeness.
Copyright © 2005 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: November 23, 2005.