Constructive gadfly
Published on November 23, 2005 By stevendedalus In Misc

Does the NRA support Hezbollah’s right to bear arms in Lebanon?…

I have no qualms about the FBI issuing a NSL [National security letter] but I resent their right to snoop into my financial records what with identity theft on the rise. Surely, there must be a better way to monitor suspects rather than randomly including average citizens.…

According to David Broder, Ohioans couldn’t care less about the economy, scandals, or lukewarm over Katrina, but they’re obsessed with the abysmal prosecution of the war, particularly since the August ambush of Ohio Marines, killing fourteen.…

Could it be that Creationism interprets the serpent in the Garden of Eve as tyrannosaurus Rex?…Incidentally did the Garden spring overnight from hot lava?…

The Catholic Church optimistically requires homosexuals contemplating the priesthood to overcome their preference — why can’t they simply commit to celibacy and hanky panky as the heterosexual priests are expected to do?…

It is insulting and obscene to suggest — as did a TV weatherman decades ago and was fired — that a woman “lay back and enjoy it” when raped; then is it presumed that a fourteen year old boy resist while an adult female ravages his innocence?… Forgive my crudeness.

Copyright © 2005 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: November 23, 2005.

on Nov 23, 2005
Does the NRA support Hezbollah’s right to bear arms in Lebanon?

forget oil revenues. imagine the sponsorship fees if the iraqi factions could just take a meeting with an agent like ovitz and have him negotiate a deal to promote them as the nra poster-country.
on Nov 23, 2005


Does the NRA support Hezbollah’s right to bear arms in Lebanon?…

Probably not, since the N is National.  Not International.

The Catholic Church optimistically requires homosexuals contemplating the priesthood to overcome their preference — why can’t they simply commit to celibacy and hanky panky as the heterosexual priests are expected to do?…

Very good!  I agree with you!

on Nov 23, 2005
Probably not, since the N is National. Not International.

Touch'e. I should've said Walmart.
Very good! I agree with you!
I feel like a kid again who got his first 'A'.

on Nov 24, 2005
Does the NRA support Hezbollah’s right to bear arms in wal-mart???…

uh...i'm think you mighta just located somethin pretty close to the edge of their limits.

(but you can be sure i'm all for it!)
on Nov 25, 2005
Hang a rifle over a Christmas wreath.
on Nov 25, 2005
Does the NRA support Hezbollah’s right to bear arms in Lebanon?…

As long as it's in their bill of rights, I'm all for it. Murder's a no-no, but having a gun, okay. Oh, what's that you say? Huh. No terrorist bill of rights? Well I'm sure they'll vote for it in their next democratic election.....

Surely, there must be a better way to monitor suspects rather than randomly including average citizens.…

In God We Trust, all others we monitor.

Could it be that Creationism interprets the serpent in the Garden of Eve as tyrannosaur?us Rex?

Nope, although fossil evidence now conclusively proves that the serpent was in fact a distant ancestor of Teresa Heinz Kerry, and the apple was actually a large roma tomato, such as the delicious tomatos used in wonderful, creamy, Heinz tomato ketchup!'s so good, it's sinful.....
on Nov 26, 2005
"Does the NRA support Hezbollah’s right to bear arms in Lebanon?…"

Hezbullah is an organized crime, terroristic organization. I am unaware of the NRA supporting the right of criminals to own firearms. A better question would be would the NRA support the right of people threatened by Hezbullah to own guns. Given the usefulness of gun control in the US, if it were used in the middle east only terrorist organizations would own them...

I'm sure the repressive governments of the Middle East would agree, though.

"The Catholic Church optimistically requires homosexuals contemplating the priesthood to overcome their preference — why can’t they simply commit to celibacy and hanky panky as the heterosexual priests are expected to do?…"

Because Catholic doctrine deems homosexuality a sin, the urge itself. Homosexuality + inordinate sex equals two sins. You differ, no doubt, but that doesn't mean there is some objective reality that makes their beliefs invalid.
on Nov 28, 2005

Because Catholic doctrine deems homosexuality a sin, the urge itself. Homosexuality + inordinate sex equals two sins. You differ, no doubt, but that doesn't mean there is some objective reality that makes their beliefs invalid.
You shouldn't infer that there is an "objective reality" to my comment, but simply alternative subjectivity.


Hezbullah is an organized crime, terroristic organization. I am unaware of the NRA supporting the right of criminals to own firearms.
Gosh, you need to lighten up, man.


on Nov 28, 2005

In God We Trust, all others we monitor.
Great new motto.

the apple was actually a large roma tomato
Would make a great commercial for Heinz.

on Nov 28, 2005
Merry Christmas, KILL A TREE FOR CHRIST!
Right on. Revenge! After all, a tree [cross] killed him.