Constructive gadfly
Published on March 2, 2004 By stevendedalus In Politics
12)Details on a time table for withdrawal from Iraq.

13)Details on what still has to be done in Afghanistan,

14)Proposal for a prestigious figure, such as Carter or the first Bush, as ambassador to the UN to emphasize a new aggressive diplomacy world-wide.

15)Stiff penalties on businesses that out source and awards for corporations that don’t.

Elaborate 12:

Unlike the Kucinich approach, the US cannot simply cut and run once the UN takes control of peace-keeping. We started it and are obligated to end it honorably. Therefore, a steady attrition of US troops should begin after a provisional government is set up by the United States with input from the Iraq contingency and the UN. Once the country is reasonably stabilized, democratic elections are to take place and jointly audited by Iraqi provisionals and the UN. By this time the US will no longer have a dominant presence and its contingency will be under blue helmets. However, there will remain in Kuwait a powerful coalition force under US command ready to quell any conflict that may ensue in Iraq. Negotiations with Turkey must take place for the purpose of permitting US troops on its soil to gain access to the Iraqi northern border in the event of an Iraqi flare up. Moreover, the UN must relieve the US of its reconstruction obligations and contracts.

Elaborate 13:

A new or existing administration must increase the US forces to at least one division and negotiate for further UN and NATO participation in actively policing the entire country to rout al Qaeda insurgents, quell warlord resistance and drug exportation in order to insure Kabul its democratic influence across the primitive terrain. There will be no troop withdrawal until al Qaeda is indisputably dead in the country.

Elaborate 14:

It is time for the US to seriously lead a peace initiative throughout the globe by high minded diplomacy, humane aid, and by inspiring rogue membership to end the oppression of its people by sidebar negotiations conducted by the state department. A global figure with untarnished credentials must be chosen as the next UN ambassador and dynamic ombudsmen.

Global problems abound and can no longer go unaddressed. There are still five million people who are suffering owing to nations that have effected torture on political opponents. North Korea systematically uses famine as a weapon to control its own people. Iran uses religion to suppress its citizens. Many African nations need massive humanitarian aid and education to erase its label of dark continent. The world needs to be assured that nations with nuclear weapons are under strict observation, and stockpiles under lock and key. There are still too many totalitarian regimes with UN membership and should be subject to suspension if they do not work toward open societies. There is great need to spread the idea of secularity not as an enemy of religion but rather as a tool to insure freedom and tolerance. There is far too much global immigration that in fact is fearful exodus from oppressive nations. The globe is in need of clean power groups as well as clean air.

Elaborate 15:

Though a global economy is a living reality, it is not progressing as a means to upgrade underdeveloped nations; on the contrary, it is an amoral act of furthering their exploitation in the manner of old empires. Trade of enlightenment is meant to mutually benefit the countries involved, not to engender an irreparable imbalance as trades in the past. There was a time that the US was king of trade — it always came out on top by literally “dumping” its surplus onto the world. Now the table has been turned; but we cannot afford to accept this poetic justice. The world’s superpower must remain so in order to spread hope to the rest of the world, but we cannot do so if we continue to weaken our prestige by encouraging slave labor abroad, and at the same time place our economic superiority at risk. Government of, for, and by the people must regain control by stemming the tide of laissez-faire madness bent on destroying people power for the benefit of corporate power that ineluctably leads to plutocracy.

Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: March 2, 2004.

on Mar 02, 2004
"Government of, for, and by the people must regain control by stemming the tide of laissez-faire madness bent on destroying people power for the benefit of corporate power that ineluctably leads to plutocracy."
This is good stuff, stevendedalus!

14) I would pick Carter

on Mar 03, 2004
I agree [14] since his loss he has earned it with all that he has done humanitarian wise. [I gather you realize that you're the only one reading this stuff.]
on Mar 03, 2004
You know, I don't think so. I might be the main one commenting, but I believe others are taking it in! I've noticed this about some bloggers. They get read and here and there in other blogs, respect and admiration come out. You happen to be one of those bloggers!
on Mar 03, 2004
But wait, you mean you WEREN'T writing these just for me???