Constructive gadfly
Published on November 16, 2005 By stevendedalus In Politics
I rather suspect that Nuke O'Reilly's outrageous comment on San Francisco has made JU speechless. Apparently the site is too preoccupied with digging up liberal gaffes. Besides, SF deserves a terrorist attack no less than Paris, eh? 
Comments (Page 1)
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on Nov 16, 2005
What has O'Reilly been saying now?
on Nov 16, 2005
there is no complaint whip, just more liberal twisting of truth, O'reilly has his entire comment posted on his web site, at no point did he ever say an attack on frisco is warrented or ok, if you take small snippets oof his speech and use them out of context, you can get him to say anything, The leftewing nuts have started a campaign years ago to get rid of bill and his huge audience.

This time they leftwing blogs has posted form letters to send to fox so they do not tax the zombie sheep little tiny brains.
on Nov 16, 2005

here is the link to bills comments about sewerfrancisco, unedited.
on Nov 16, 2005
What about what SF did to prompt his comments, steven? No interest in discussing that?

on Nov 16, 2005
Nope, not really. JU seems to have about the same "noise level" as ever. And here I was expecting this to be a decent article...

on Nov 16, 2005

No interest in discussing that?


it wouldn't fit into his worldview if he discussed how communities that want to enjoy benefits of government should be expected to contribute to that government along with everyone else.


Steven this article is *extremely* lame for you. You have done much better in the past.

on Nov 16, 2005
Are you all ganging up on me or San Francisco?
on Nov 16, 2005

"hey, SF, if you want to ban military recruiters in your city, fine, just don't expect the military to protect your city from acts of terrorism then."
Echoes of Pat Robertson--I agree not very original; besides, first offenders attempt to protect a city, not the military.

What about what SF did to prompt his comments, steven? No interest in discussing that?

All SF did was to restrict recruitment on campuses--hardly revolutionary.

on Nov 16, 2005
And O'Reilly's comments are revolutionary? I also have a minor quibble with O'Reilly's comment, though I understand where he's coming from - I would say, fine, then no Federal funds for SF colleges, pull the military installations, the Federal Reserve Bank, the 9th circuit court, few things like that. SF wants to cherry pick what it's willing to accept from the Feds, the Feds can respond in kind.

on Nov 16, 2005
Are you all ganging up on me or San Francisco?

This is an interesting reply coming from the writer of this article titled All Is Quiet on the JU Front . I guess not as quiet as you are.
on Nov 16, 2005

All SF did was to restrict recruitment on campuses--hardly revolutionary.

Revolutionary? Or devolutionary?

on Nov 16, 2005
Are you all ganging up on me or San Francisco?

Think of it as a strange compliment. Your articles are generally pretty good, and this one, well... wasn't. When you raise the bar, it's more difficult to get away with ducking under it.

on Nov 16, 2005
Fly-Over America is angry, steve. Every time the 9th circuit shoves some Liberal "truth" down our necks or idiot celebrities say that anyone who doesn't agree with them ( a large percent of the population ) is a moron, we get more angry. DOn't forget that a rather nasty war was fought over a particular ethos being shoved down the throats of a marginalized segment of the nation. "States rights" is re-evoked every time California courts decide how people in other states have to proceed.

We aren't really represented unless we win an election, and then Liberal culture pretends that we are the "fringe" or marginalizes us in terms of importance or intelligence. It isn't just San Francisco, it is the "culture" centers of America that have slowly created their own culture and forgotten that they are just a fraction of the whole.
on Nov 16, 2005
or idiot celebrities say that anyone who doesn't agree with them ( a large percent of the population ) is a moron,

not that o'reilly isn't an idiot...or saying that anyone who doesn't agree with him is a moron....or even lying about not being able to play his original statement...

CHRETIEN: But you actually left out the part at the end there where you said if Al Qaeda came to San Francisco and wanted to blow up Coit Tower.

O'REILLY: Yes, we have the whole -- we can't play the whole thing. It's five minutes long. And anybody can hear it But it was obviously the satirical reference. And even the San Francisco Chronicle knows that.

(it's actually 69 seconds long)
on Nov 16, 2005
nope steven, we disagree all the time for me this is just one more disagreement. I have not nor will I gang up on one such as you {compliment}
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