Constructive gadfly
Published on November 14, 2005 By stevendedalus In Politics
 All the world’s a stage — especially FOX News and Sean Hannity as the protagonist.

Over fifty million Americans are indebted to Alabama’s quaint National Guard record-keeping.

Saddam Hussein was directly responsible for the tragedy on 9/11 because he wrote out checks to families of suicide bombers in Palestine after the horrendous deed is done in Israel.

Any mason could tell you that dropping a cement footing in thirty feet of peat ain’t going to hold a raging ocean.

Newsweek’s over-indulgence in religious exposure has now turned to the secular — 60 year old baby boomers.

Christian fundamentalists should reconsider their aggressiveness in closing the gap of “separation”, lest they breed even more Christian ayatollahs out of control such as Pat Robertson.

Why does Hillary want to stay the course in rocky Iraq? — I thought a woman was not shy about asking for new directions.

Copyright © 2005 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: November 14, 2005.


on Nov 14, 2005
Well, it is amusing. And I guess if you squint and then squeeze the eyes, you can see how these are positions. But I will just quote what is said, not what I can imply based upon random quotes of others.
on Nov 14, 2005
Yes, I felt like randomizing without any overriding posture.