Constructive gadfly
Published on November 12, 2005 By stevendedalus In Politics
Judge Alito whether a “Scalito” or not will be confirmed because he’s a white Catholic male. Since he is well qualified for the lifetime position — his stance on abortion notwithstanding — a wife, even an abused one, needing permission from her husband to have an abortion is politically correct in face of the horrendous religious nut cases that dominate culture today and consider Alita as one of them. Pat Robertson and his ilk might, however, discover that neither Roberts nor Alita are necessarily obsessed single-issue oriented and turn out to be liberal thinking Jesuits.


Copyright © 2005 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: November 12, 2005.


on Nov 12, 2005
Pat Robertson and his ilk might, however, discover that neither Roberts nor Alita are necessarily obsessed single-issue oriented and turn out to be liberal thinking Jesuits.

in which case, those senators who voted their consent shouldn't turn to god in the event of disaster. same goes for the president and his architect for nominating that pair of papists.
on Nov 13, 2005

No chance of their turning to God anyway, since He--that is, Robertson's God--abandoned them along time ago.

on Nov 13, 2005


And Pat Robertson?  Take him!  He is not even an embarrassment, just a caricture!  If he would have kept to his scriptures and stayed out of the politics, he might even be a new Billy Graham!

on Nov 13, 2005
You've done better threads before, steve.
on Nov 14, 2005
better threads before
No argument here. It's just that the facade of nominations is pathetic--it's stacked against the minority party and nothing other than in outrageous situations--ala Bork--can be done about it. No sense kidding ourselves: it is a presidential privilege.
on Nov 14, 2005
he might even be a new Billy Graham!
Then I'm glad he's a caricature.