Constructive gadfly
Published on March 1, 2004 By stevendedalus In Politics

Some crucial items on the political campaign agenda should cover:

16) Raise the minimum wage rate one dollar each year for the next three years and legislate cost of living index thereafter.

17) Fund a public education overseas TV channel in foreign languages giving an objective account of democracy at work.

18) Develop a peace project for the western hemisphere stressing the need to replace dictatorships and oppression with democratic objectives.

19) Assist in more funding for UN peace-keeping and in developing an international enforcement contingency against terrorism.

20) Lead the UN in a more comprehensive strategy to end the hooliganism in offending nations of Africa.

21) End illegal immigration from Mexico and assist the country in developing indigenous employment.

22) Palestine independence should be coupled with an agreement to UN peacekeeping presence for a period of five years. Until Israel terminates expansionism unconditionally, US aid will be withheld.

23) A Marshall Plan should be initiated in pockets of poverty and unemployment here in the US and infrastructure 20 year bonds issued in small denominations for common citizens to purchase.

24) NCLB should be scrapped and federal assistance to states increased for the purpose of restructuring curricula to meet the unique needs of each of the local districts that most require enterprising approaches.

25) Levy a luxury tax on automobiles that do not adhere to an average MPG of 25.

26) Strongly urge, not mandate, all states to adopt and enforce a law against automatic weapons for hunting. Call upon the NRA to help in this initiative and request their help in monitoring gun shows in violation of the waiting period.

27) Subsidize airplane manufacturers that build passenger crafts without cargo areas other than for passenger luggage with secondary detectors built-in, and in the manufacturing of new crafts strictly for commercial cargo. In the meantime, strict federal inspection of commercial cargo is required.

28) Float an EPA bond for a massive assault against pollution of all kinds and for the development of alternative fuels.

29) Release non-violent offenders from prison and place them in a closely supervised work camp of public projects for the duration of their remaining sentence.

30) From Inauguration Day and forever, each child born will be issued a free medical care certificate.

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