Constructive gadfly
Published on November 7, 2005 By stevendedalus In Politics
 If we “unilaterally” invaded a country, why can we not unilaterally cut and run? Why does even, Dean say that we cannot do the latter? — and by so doing joins the ilk of liberal hawks, such as Hillary and Kerry? Is it inspired begrudgingly by the adage that “you made your bed...”? But do we have to sleep in it other sleepless nights as well?

For one thing, “unilateral” was in the decision; the execution was not, for Bush was smart enough to drag along a “coalition”; despite its being window dressing. Nevertheless, some members of this coalition have in fact unilaterally cut and run — apparently without repercussions other than from critics in this country. There are even critics who object to a timetable of attrition for fear the insurgents will simply exploit it to their advantage.

To what end, then, did Bush commit the nation? Was it to insure that there be unconditional democracy, though already this has been compromised? And if we wait until Iraqi forces are up to par, what guarantee is there that they will indeed put down the insurgency once and for all in face of our own forces unable to do so? If indeed there be a true Bush commitment to this war, should he not send in another 100,000 coalition troops to wipe out resistance? Echoes of Vietnam notwithstanding, what has he got to lose as a lame duck president but the soul of his party?

The alternative, it would appear, is for Bush just as boldly unilaterally submit to a timetable come hell or high water, with or without UN blessings, and put an end to this debacle.


Copyright © 2005 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: November 7, 2005.


Comments (Page 6)
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on Nov 12, 2005
We should have a withdrawal timetable on this colloquy!--like now!
on Nov 12, 2005

Nice Try. This has NOTHING to do with Clinton. This is 100% Bush. He is the President now and it is HIS policies that 2/3 of the American People do not want. I love those that say Bush needs to go on the offensive and change his staff. THE PROBLEM IS Bush. Only his resignation along with Cheney could do the job.
on Nov 12, 2005

Nice Try. This has NOTHING to do with Clinton. This is 100% Bush. He is the President now and it is HIS policies that 2/3 of the American People do not want. I love those that say Bush needs to go on the offensive and change his staff. THE PROBLEM IS Bush. Only his resignation along with Cheney could do the job.

Hey ignoramus, he said NOTHING about Clinton! He said " during the Clinton years". He VERY specifically said things about the REPUBLICAN parties polls! Grow up will ya. Bush resign???? Not in your life time!

lol, funny thing is that polls of public perception of the Republican party during the last couple of years of Clinton's office were dismal. I saw one from Dec 1998 a day or two ago that rated Republicans at 28%...
So, you'll pardon me if I am dubious, considering that a party with a 28% approval rating somehow managed to dominate the election a couple of years later. I guess polls have to talk for you when your own ideas are shown to be propaganda. Doesn't mean the are meaningful, not in the least.

Want to poll people around here about how good of a job you are doing? What you don't understand that the majority of the people who are back slapping you and badmouthing Bush would probably vote for him again given someone like Kerry. You're granting the polled public a bit too much depth.
on Nov 12, 2005
drmiler Only fools like you would vote for Bush. He is a complete failure and 2/3 of the country feels that way. The election should have been this November!
on Nov 12, 2005
The sad part is Col Gene really believes these polls and this propaganda. Col, feel free to put your objectivity beside mine and compare any day. Your opinion of Bush is violated by your own insane obsession with him. You're like the Church Lady of politics.

Anyway, Clinton has a great deal to do with this. His 8 years of ignoring Iraq created a humanitarian situation that was screaming for sanctions to be lifted. They could be lifted with Hussein in power, or not in power. It should be apparent to anyone with a brain, at least in my opinion, that letting him regain military power was the worst possible thing that could have happened.

So, had Clinton gotten the job done in his 8 years, there would have been thousands of fewer deaths due to the sanctions, the UN wouldn't have poured billions into Hussein's rebuilding fund, and we wouldn't be there now. If you think Clinton didn't have anything to do with this, you don't need to be judging anyone else's intelligence.
on Nov 13, 2005
drmiler Only fools like you would vote for Bush. He is a complete failure and 2/3 of the country feels that way. The election should have been this November!

BS col! But they aren't this Novemember are they? Deal with it! And only fools like you would have voted for the traitor Kerry!
on Nov 14, 2005

Kerry went to Vietnam. Bush hid out in the Guard and disobayed his orders. Who is the traitor?
on Nov 14, 2005

Kerry went to Vietnam. Bush hid out in the Guard and disobayed his orders. Who is the traitor?

Kerry is. Since "HE's" the one that sat down and had talks with the N Vietnamese government in Paris. This is documented fact that is beyond reproach. This act is against both the UCMJ and the laws of the US. The act is considered treasonous! Okay so he got away with it. Who did he pay off?
on Nov 14, 2005
Wrong again Drmiler. Kerry was NOT subject to the UCMJ at the time of that meeting. Bush was subject to the UCMJ when he disobayed regulations.
on Nov 14, 2005
In this nation of class, one of privilege who has the grit to enter the combat zone deserves to be castrated for defying the silent rules of those with connections and wealth.
on Nov 15, 2005
Wrong again Drmiler. Kerry was NOT subject to the UCMJ at the time of that meeting. Bush was subject to the UCMJ when he disobayed regulations.

YOU'RE the one that's wrong. Did you catch the second half of that line? Or did you ignore it as usual because it doesn't fit with "your" reality. What Kerry did is ALSO aginst the laws of the United States.

To avoid the abuses of the English law (including executions by Henry VIII of those who criticized his repeated marriages), treason was specifically defined in the United States Constitution, the only crime so defined. Article Three defines treason as only levying war against the United States or "in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort,"
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