Constructive gadfly
Published on February 28, 2004 By stevendedalus In Current Events

While all of us blog on crudely, quaintly, coldly concerning affairs of state and culture, Uganda’s northern section continues since ‘88 to engage in rebellion and to prey on village children near the city of Gulu, according to Emily Wax of the Washington Post Foreign News Service.

While we quibble over taxes, welfare and a presidential election, parents in villages have to line up their children at dusk and send them off to Gulu, heavily fortified, to spend the night in relatively safe encampments protected by the government and assisted by UNICEF.

While we get all upset over WMD that doesn’t exist and the “axis of evil,” in the dark continent untold horrors reign. You see, the rebel raids on the villages are for the express purpose of kidnaping children to fill their fighting ranks, or porter their supplies, and the girls to be sex slaves. Since 1996 thirty-four thousand children have been abducted. There have been so many rapes of children that the girls marching each night at Gulu chant in English: “Hear us now: there are no more virgins in Gulu.”

We shouldn’t be surprised since our perception of these “aborigines” is no different from the still gnawing perception of old concerning native Americans and African Americans. Currently, witness our coolness toward Haiti because of perceived inborn deficiency of its citizens incapable of democratizing.

Preemptive strikes by the UN on such sick nations in perennial turmoil, are surely more justified than our raid on Iraq.

Copyright © 2004 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: February 28, 2004.

on Feb 28, 2004
>>Preemptive strikes by the UN on such sick nations in perennial turmoil, are surely more justified than our raid on Iraq.

That's kind of like the old joke about the guy who's getting paid nothing and gets his salary doubled. You could name anything and it would be more justified than our raid on Iraq. Personally, I think we should try fixing the problems with the United States (sorry if you're from another country; I'm not familiar) before we do anything else. But I agree, there are far better places money could be spent than Iraq and I'm sorry I'm not more up on the situation you are discussing.
on Feb 28, 2004
I don't feel qualified to comment on articles such as this, but I really liked this one. Not much to say, except Americans are shit. (I'm an American just in case anyone wanted to get pissed about that)...

on Feb 28, 2004
Ben:Yes, I'm guilty of irrational exuberance. I suppose you're right: "charity" begins at home.
Nomad: Well, some are...anyway. Thanks.
on Feb 28, 2004
Oh, you are breaking my heart with this one. I'd ask how it is that I have never heard about it before this article, but I know why.
America isn't taking care of it's own, but I don't think we can look away from these children once we know. Thanks for posting this.
on Feb 29, 2004
Very Wise: You know, you write with such sensitive common sense--how is it so seldom are you taken seriously?--"but I know why."