Constructive gadfly
Published on July 9, 2005 By stevendedalus In Politics

After decades of being somewhat gung ho in believing we could save the world, I’ve finally come to the conclusion that it is far better to defend ourselves against violations of our borders, routing pedophiles, satanic serial killers, terrorist cells from within, unscrupulous captains of industry-labor, and drug lords. It is time to get serious about energy independence, global warming, and an egalitarian thrust for the nation’s health.

Moreover, we should be vigilant in rolling back the waves of religious fanatics of all colors at home determined to theologize constitutional law in order to subjugate the free — however sometimes messy — spirit of humanity. We are at war with the Muslim fringe and ought not to allow fringes here to tell us how we should believe.


Copyright © 2005 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: July 9, 2005.

on Jul 09, 2005
Yes, defense begins at home, but it doesn't end there. What makes a person's home more secure, locks? Walls? Guns? or a better neighborhood where we know who are neighbors are and can tell the difference between them and strangers lurking about?

Getting serious means that we take care of problems at home AND help other nations. If we keep a myopic domestic policy then we are leaving ourselves open to trouble from outside.

How about we quit putting every problem on the federal government and take care of most the domestic problems at the state and local level. How much more secure would our borders be if we let the border states enforce the borders and get the fed out of their hair??? I wonder.
on Jul 09, 2005
Help other deserving nations via the ilk of a Marshall Plan.
on Jul 10, 2005
YOu article was intriguing, but that response made me scratch my head. Keep writing, as I do read.
on Jul 10, 2005
Dr, Guy, the response was to ParaTed's mention of "help other nations." We have been doing that since WWII but with the exception of Japan, EUrope and So.Korea we have not targeted aid effectively.
on Jul 11, 2005

Dr, Guy, the response was to ParaTed's mention of "help other nations." We have been doing that since WWII but with the exception of Japan, EUrope and So.Korea we have not targeted aid effectively.

I agree with that statement, but your use of the word ilk made me think you thought the Marshall plan was a bad one.  Thus my confusion.

on Jul 11, 2005
Sadly "ilk" today's predominant use is perjorative. The Marshall plan was a landmark of statesmanship.