Constructive gadfly
Published on July 7, 2005 By stevendedalus In Politics

Let’s all of us rein in analysis and perceive the London event as simply emblematic of ruthless, unrelenting terrorism by crazed jihadists. “Analysts” are already trying to link Bush and Blair as “I told you so” to strengthen support of the war in Iraq even more so while the other spectrum is attempting to poke holes in the theory “taking the war to the terrorists.” Both views are irrelevant; fanatics will do their thing regardless.


Copyright © 2005 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: July 7, 2005.

on Jul 07, 2005
I wish I could agree with you, but I no longer believe this is about fanatics. They are the tools of a proxy war waged by the Arab world and others. We play by their rules because we can't stomach attacking our real foes.

The pawns will keep blowing themselves up in our cities until we start attacking their power-pieces. Soon, if we keep solidifying this identity, we'll be facing another such situation in Taiwan, or South Korea, or Japan or wherever a world power without the stomach for war wants to harrow us without overtly admitting it.
on Jul 07, 2005
Aye, I read your article. The Axis, communism,now it's time to call a spade a spade and wreak havoc on the Muslim world.
on Jul 07, 2005
I agree, somewhat...
on Jul 08, 2005
When all is said and done, and as morbid as it may sound, some very powerful people have benefited from this attack. And that's not to say people aren't random victims of chance and coincidences. Britain has the ID card debate in its midst and for those who really want it this event will help them achieve that highly restrictive policy. Tony Blair and the damning memo that clearly shows Britain is a true US client state, or 'junior partner' as the planners like to say. Lucky Blair. At the height of the memo which he can't refute, he got the chance to appear weepy and heartbroken to the entire nation and most likely converted many fence walkers to the perpetual hawk warloving side. Double whammy which helps him politically. But there's one thing I don't see anyone mentioning, certainly not in the western media. The hawks and planners always say how Al-Queda is crafty and sophisticated and getting more advanced by the month, and everyone should agree that the supposed Al-Queda terrorist group is fluent in policies and politics and tactics. What I'm saying is that why one earth would Al-Queda start a bombing spree on the biggest partner of the US in the middle east which only a few days ago announced a significant amount of British troops were going to be withdrawn from Iraq No one has ever seriously said that Al-Queda makes political moves which are political suicide. Sure the most ignorant will tell you "Al-Queda's committed political suicide on the day they decided to attack us" and that kind of chest thumping. But they're ideas are moot since it's too directed by pride/nationalism or whatever. Not from their minds but from their flexed muscles. While I hear them and welcome their comments, I disregard the machoism aspect of their comments.
In summary:
*The timing is very fantastic for some powerful people. From there it's all left up to how much you yourself believe in coincidences.
*The high grade military explosives that were used, and that's due to the lack of incindiery qualities to the blasts.
*There is no mention on the mainstream media that I can see that mentions or even speculates (the US media feeds off of speculation i.e.Iraq's WMD lie) as to the type of explosive used. I find that as being a red flag. Of course it may be on some news site but not on the mainstream I frequent. The focus is on sympathy and heart moving stories, not the who what when where or why of it all. That won't start until the heat dies down in a few more days.
*Israel was forewarned and the Israeli media even put up the report on it's site, only to be deleted about 1/2 hour later. Some sites were wise enough and savvy enough to know that was a serious mistake on Israel's part, so they copied the page as evidence since they correctly guessed it would be retracted.
Think about this for a moment. When the Israeli media published that fact, they knew they made a guffaw, though not of their own personal doing. They did not retract the story and make the correction. No. What they did was different. They changed the article so it said Israel got a warning not before the blast, but immediately after the first blast. They did not make a correction, they whited out one single paragraph and send it out again posing it as fact. Fine to you all right? Well, there's something else too.
Power Failure
If you believe the Israeli media's changed story and believe them when they say it was an error in times then you have to swallow a big huge hoarker of a lie first. You see, during the same timeframe Israel was saying they were warned of the future bombs, right after the first blast, the Israeli Embassy was acting according to what they had been informed of. That a power generator or a power station had a blast and had knocked out the power. They were not told of an Arab terrorist attack. They were told a power surge had knocked things out. And that belief apparently went on for at least an hour, certainly not a mere handful of minutes.
There are forthcoming anomalies I cannot share at the time due to my time restrictions.
on Jul 08, 2005
RH- Go piss off! Your BS theory is irrelevant and asinine...
on Jul 08, 2005
RH, this has GOT to be the biggest pile of crap I've EVER read. Have a troll cookie!
on Jul 08, 2005
This is the only sensible article that I have read about this.
"Aye, I read your article. The Axis, communism,now it's time to call a spade a spade and wreak havoc on the Muslim world."
I hope that you were just paraphrasing BS's "hit out at someone it doesnt matter who" article and this is not your true assessment of the situation.
on Jul 08, 2005
In summary:
*The timing is very fantastic for some powerful people. From there it's all left up to how much you yourself believe in coincidences.
*The high grade military explosives that were used, and that's due to the lack of incindiery qualities to the blasts.
*There is no mention on the mainstream media that I can see that mentions or even speculates (the US media feeds off of speculation i.e.Iraq's WMD lie) as to the type of explosive used. I find that as being a red flag. Of course it may be on some news site but not on the mainstream I frequent. The focus is on sympathy and heart moving stories, not the who what when where or why of it all. That won't start until the heat dies down in a few more days.
*Israel was forewarned and the Israeli media even put up the report on it's site, only to be deleted about 1/2 hour later. Some sites were wise enough and savvy enough to know that was a serious mistake on Israel's part, so they copied the page as evidence since they correctly guessed it would be retracted.
Think about this for a moment. When the Israeli media published that fact, they knew they made a guffaw, though not of their own personal doing. They did not retract the story and make the correction. No. What they did was different. They changed the article so it said Israel got a warning not before the blast, but immediately after the first blast. They did not make a correction, they whited out one single paragraph and send it out again posing it as fact. Fine to you all right? Well, there's something else too.

Your conspiracy has already been debunked. This is all you can do is blame Israel?

There are forthcoming anomalies I cannot share at the time due to my time restrictions.

Your "anomalies" are lies and bs.
on Jul 09, 2005
HaHa, Have no fear--it will never happen--we need their oil.
on Jul 09, 2005
RH:There is no rhyme or reason to Al Qaeda--their conspiratorial track is predicated on hate crime and paranoia.