Constructive gadfly
Published on June 13, 2005 By stevendedalus In Politics

The Democratic Party is not dying — far from it, as it is the party for daily living. It is the bastion for social security as a basic floor in avoiding poverty in old age, in widowhood, and the disabled. For decades it has encouraged personal accounts by generous tax shelters in IRAs and 401ks. The party led the battle to reassess payroll tax in the 80s which meant solvency into the 2040s. It is calmly aware of the need for modification such as supplementary revenue from the general tax.

It continually struggles to protect Medicare and Medicaid in spite of the Republican Marauders bent on unwarranted limitations. It was the first to recognize the maddening escalation of health costs and urged universal health care not only to enhance the health of so many of the uninsured and eliminate the need for Medicaid, but it actually championed small and big business alike beset with insurance costs that position them unfairly in competing with domestic and foreign activity that carry little, if any insurance for their employees.

The party learned its lesson — alas, not fully — from Johnson’s fallacy and returned to Kennedy’s perception: “the United States, as the world knows, will never start a war;... nor impose our will on the other 94 percent of mankind.” That the party was sucked into the fraudulent frenzy of the Iraq debacle is inexcusable but it at least voted with serious reservations against rattling the sword and ignoring friendly advice.

The party is still very much the protectors of the people who fend for themselves but are nonetheless without assets to better themselves in an era wherein only those with the “smarts” are rewarded. It also is aware that the once proud industrial base is collapsing — who would ever dream that GM and Ford would be relegated to the junk bond pile? — and the best way to cope with globalization is to not do business with nations that export on the backs of slave labor and do nothing about enhancing the lives of their own people.

Most members of the party are able to discern the vast difference in pregnancy between the woman without means and the middle class woman who is able to abort without fanfare of government assistance and religious coercion. The party should be able to trump the Republicans in family values because they know that the people of America are foremost pragmatists who value more the challenge of everyday moral living than the dictatorial values set forth on Sundays.

The Democratic Party is not dead.

The Copyright © 2005 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: June 13, 2005.



Comments (Page 1)
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on Jun 13, 2005
maybe not yet dead, but doing a pretty good imitation of terry shiavo.
on Jun 13, 2005

The party led the battle to reassess payroll tax in the 80s which meant solvency into the 2040s

Come again?  They shirked the issue and left it to the republicans!  Just as they are now.

They may not be dead, but they are on life support and howie is pulling the plug.

on Jun 13, 2005
I would have thought you guys believed in miracles! 
on Jun 13, 2005

They shirked the issue and left it to the republicans! Just as they are now.

You're wrong, and they are not shirking it now as is Bush whose only interest is personal accounts, not future solvency. 

on Jun 14, 2005
Last rights phooey! It's to late for that.
on Jun 14, 2005
It continually struggles to protect Medicare and Medicaid

I would invite you to visit some of the housing projects here in Atlanta where Medicaid is a way of life, not a safety net for lower income people. It is a system that invites hiding income and encourages single mothers to stay single so as not to lose the benefit of free medical care. While I believe in a safety net for our ederly and those that sincerely come upon hard times; all to often, Medicaid is simply a way of life. I was at Emory University Hospital the other day for one of my wife's prenatal checkups. In walks a lady 5-6 months pregnant, holding the hand of her maybe three-year old daughter and pulling out her Mediciad card for her prenatal services. Personally, I find that dispicable.

My views of her have nothing to do with being conservative. My view is that of a father, a responsible father, a father who waited five years for my second child because I knew that I was not financially prepared to bring two children into this world. I firmly believe that lady has two children whom she will not properly raise, two children who are going to learn a lesson from their mom that there are suckers out there just dying to give them other people's hard earned money. No, they don't have to account for their actions or behavior. Hey, have all the kids you want, we'll just get money from other people to raise your kids with.

These "republican" cuts in Medicaid are not cuts, but the demand that people be responsible for their actions and quit knocking out babies if they can't afford health insurance. Besides, if they can't afford health insurance what else can't they provide for their children? The Democratic party demanded the credit card type cards as a replacement for food stamps. For efficiency you assume? Not entirely, it was also to avoid the embarassment of having to pull out food stamps in the grocery store line. Now they get to swipe a credit card as though they actually worked for the money to pay for their groceries.

I know there are many people who have truly fallen on hard times, but I honestly believe that we have a rampant problem of all too many people using public welfare as away of life instead of a safety net. One point I always make about the public housing projects is that the onyl thing you never see there is a moving van. Hell why move when the Democratic party is willing to pay your way for you? It's the biggest vote buying scheme ever perpetuated in this country. I'll continue with some of your other comments later.

on Jun 14, 2005

You're wrong, and they are not shirking it now as is Bush whose only interest is personal accounts, not future solvency.

Other than Wexler, whose solution is to raise taxes and not benefits on some, who on the left is doing anything about it?

And Bush's plan, when looked at honestly, will work, and not bankrupt the system.  Just look at Chile.

on Jun 14, 2005
It was the first to recognize the maddening escalation of health costs and urged universal health care not only to enhance the health of so many of the uninsured and eliminate the need for Medicaid, but it actually championed small and big business alike beset with insurance costs that position them unfairly in competing with domestic and foreign activity that carry little, if any insurance for their employees.

Actually the Republicans noticed the trend a lot earlier and tried to relieve the situation by way of Tax Cuts and Tort reform. You want to make us a stronger society able to compete with foreign business? How about eliminating the payroll tax? I am the operations manager for a small business (55 employees) here in Atlanta. Our average weekly tax burden for our employees is around $4,500.00. The company pays an additional $2,200.00 over that amount in payroll tax. That's nearly $115,000.00 per year. But God forbid the republicans call for tax cuts. Besides payroll taxes, there are lcoal taxes, state taxes, land use taxes, sewer and water taxes, taxes on utilities, annual business license fees, etc, etc,etc... In fact we have to pay an accounting firm $1,700.00 a month to make sure we paid all of our taxes!! Oh, but try to cut taxes and gee whiz the Republicans just want to make the rich richer.

You see, we can do this one of two ways. The republicans think that we should take some of the burden off of businesses so that they can compete in the global economy, allowing them to guess what?? Sell more, than they have more income to tax.

Conversely, the Democrats think we should raise taxes on business which cause them higher cost of production which makes it impossible to compete in the global economy which lowers sales and therefore lowers taxable income so guess what?? Since there is less income to tax what do we do?? Raise the taxes again!! And if the republicans dare to contradict them, the democrats will cry that the republicans are yet again trying to make the rich richer through tax cuts.

on Jun 14, 2005
No, they don't have to account for their actions or behavior. Hey, have all the kids you want, we'll just get money from other people to raise your kids with.
Perhaps pro-life has something to do with it. Your argument is as old as the hills--going back to the 50s when the perennial protest was that people on welfare owned Cadillacs and TVs. Of course, there's abuse in all endeavors but that does not preclude the spirit of helping those in need.
on Jun 14, 2005
Yup, and every one of them will vote Democrat when they grow up.
Ironically, they won't--they'll be pro-life.
Other than Wexler, whose solution is to raise taxes and not benefits on some, who on the left is doing anything about it?
He's the spearhead; the rest are waiting for Bush to collapse.
Actually the Republicans noticed the trend a lot earlier and tried to relieve the situation by way of Tax Cuts and Tort reform. You want to make us a stronger society able to compete with foreign business? How about eliminating the payroll tax?
When you can't beat China do as they do, eh?--all of us are to exist on a par with the third world.
on Jun 15, 2005

Perhaps pro-life has something to do with it. Your argument is as old as the hills--going back to the 50s when the perennial protest was that people on welfare owned Cadillacs and TVs. Of course, there's abuse in all endeavors but that does not preclude the spirit of helping those in need.

Better check out what DUis saying!  No more democrats!

on Jun 15, 2005

He's the spearhead; the rest are waiting for Bush to collapse.

That is why they are the party of losers.  No initiative.  Always waiting.

on Jun 15, 2005

#12 by stevendedalus
Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Yup, and every one of them will vote Democrat when they grow up.
Ironically, they won't--they'll be pro-life.Other than Wexler, whose solution is to raise taxes and not benefits on some, who on the left is doing anything about it?
He's the spearhead; the rest are waiting for Bush to collapse.Actually the Republicans noticed the trend a lot earlier and tried to relieve the situation by way of Tax Cuts and Tort reform. You want to make us a stronger society able to compete with foreign business? How about eliminating the payroll tax?
When you can't beat China do as they do, eh?--all of us are to exist on a par with the third world.

It's called beat them at their own game.
on Jun 17, 2005
Whip, I believe, I inferred that in my piece.
on Jun 17, 2005
It's called beat them at their own game.
Yes, as in communism: everyone equally destitute.
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