Constructive gadfly
Published on February 14, 2004 By stevendedalus In Current Events

Ah, for the “good ole days!?” When we of the mainstream had little awareness of interracial marriage; homosexuals conveniently stayed in the closet; incest was unheard of; divorce a rarity, except in Hollywood; children in school were safe with their teachers; interns secure in D.C.; vehicles pulled over when sirens blasted in lieu of wild car chases; Jews married Jews, Catholics, Catholics, Protestants, Protestants; abstinence was presumed, and sex contracts not in the lexicon. Even in the old “girlie” magazines breasts were not exposed until [p]impish “Playboy” became celebrated. Erection was a private thing until Viagra and Bob Dole entered the scene.

Today the mores have been altered. Interracial marriage is in your face and acceptable as long as it is not in your own family. Gays are not only out of the closet they demand open marriage, especially at election time — even some politicians have gays in their family. Marriage between a man and a woman is supposed to be sacred, but divorce occurs frequently in the mainstream — soon gays will embark on it too. Teacher’s pet has taken on a new connotation. Car chases are not only common they border on demolition derby. It is apparently common for female interns — nor can males be ruled out — learning intramural sex rather than inside politics. Interfaith marriage is old hat now. Abstinence is utterly Victorian and virginity a mark of shame. Sex contracts are something new that suggest rape consent. Exposure of breast[s] — Victoria Secret fashion show exposes both breast in only three-quarters — is now a super bowl feat, and erectile dysfunction is demonstrated by rap artists’ busy hands.

on Feb 17, 2004
I totally agree, the American society is heading towards destruction and most people are too stupid to realize it. I am strongly opposed to the gay lifestyle, especially now that they infringe on my rights on freedom of speech. If I say anything negetive in a public place I can be charged with "hate crimes".
on Feb 17, 2004
You shouldn't say anything negative about a group of people in a public place.. if you say you hate faggots, that is a hate crime.

That aside...

It's like it's cool to be gay now... you can't really blame them though - they have been living in obscurity for so long, and in the closet per se... i personally dont hold anything against them for wearing their rainbow sashes loud and proud now... they certainly aren't to blame for the general decadence of society though Tim, i though was especially harsh.
on Feb 18, 2004
I suppose this is the epitome of "diversity."
on Mar 10, 2004
Fuck you

from a Proud gay
on Mar 10, 2004
You've taken the worst perspective of 'diversity' and turned into into something negative just to make a point. The majority of all listed have been around for many years, but were forced 'into the closet' due to close-minded, ignorant people who continued to impose their 'norm' and damn anyone else for being different.
on Mar 10, 2004
Go Nicky! You beat me to it...

I am strongly opposed to the gay lifestyle, especially now that they infringe on my rights on freedom of speech.

Care to explain exactly how that's happening, Tim? I'm being straight up, I'm interested in how you feel that's taking place. Just trying to get a feel for where you're coming from...