Constructive gadfly
Published on April 29, 2005 By stevendedalus In Politics

May I ask what is the difference between Social Security’s ineluctable “bankruptcy” compared with the “bankruptcy” of a nation mortgaged so heavily? By definition, according to Bush, bankruptcy means insufficient income to cover expenditures. Oh, really? And what of the far greater “bankruptcy” of Medicare and Medicaid — not to mention consumer debt and the untold millions riding on the crest of the false economy of the housing boom that is generating enormous equity loans, which are keeping the economy afloat? Will there be only a day of reckoning for social security and not the other shortfalls?

 And is it safe to presume that a nation shamelessly — and as a result beholden to foreign debt — consuming more than it produces be without consequences?

The answers are clear: there is no crisis other than terrorism, and, of course, the socialism initiated in the Thirties.


Copyright © 2005 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: April 29, 2005.

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