Constructive gadfly
Published on March 7, 2005 By stevendedalus In Politics

When is a Republican no longer a veritable Republican?

When he/she puts Jesus before the constitution.

When is a Catholic no longer a Democrat?

When she/he votes on the dogma of the Vatican.

When is a Christian no longer a Democrat?

When the evangelical pulpit dictates.

When is a Jew no longer a Democrat?

When Zionism is first and foremost.

When is a Democrat no longer a Liberal?

When he/she forgets all that the New Deal has done for him/her.

Why is a red state Republican?

It now has electricity and no longer needs the Democratic Party.

Why is a blue state Democratic?

It still needs mass-transportation and welfare for its cities.

Copyright © 2005 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: March 7, 2005.

on Mar 08, 2005
The last 2 were priceless!
on Mar 08, 2005
When is an article awesome? When it is just true enough to make you think, and just clever enough to make you laugh!!!

You get an Awesome!!! (and an insightful, for whatever that is worth from little ol' Christian, Constitutionalist Republican in a Blue State me!)
on Mar 09, 2005
It's great to find those few with a sense of humor on the site! Thanks.