Constructive gadfly
Published on February 20, 2005 By stevendedalus In Politics

It would seem reasonable to solve social service problems in the order of urgency: Medicare is a far larger financial challenge than social security.

The point of social security is to guarantee each generation minimal subsistence for the disabled, orphans and old age, not to diminish such guarantee.

Those who wish to have a lifestyle in retirement comparable to what they have been accustomed, it is only reasonable to begin a savings or investment plan for the long haul. For those below the poverty line and receive earned income credit IRS should withhold half the payment for supplementary personal retirement accounts.

What this country needs is a 1% national sales tax for a designated trust to insure social security solvency.

Copyright © 2005 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: February 20, 2005.

on Feb 20, 2005
For once, even I agree!
on Feb 21, 2005
I am eagerly awaiting the Democrats' plan for reducing medicare expenditures.

Why is a comprehensive retirement program funded by a payroll tax better than a means-tested program funded by a progressive income tax?
on Feb 25, 2005

drmiler: should I have my eyes checked? WOW!


on Feb 25, 2005
Why is a comprehensive retirement program funded by a payroll tax better than a means-tested program funded by a progressive income tax? It isn't better.
I am eagerly awaiting the Democrats' plan for reducing medicare expenditures.
The only way to that is for a president to jawbone pharmaceuticals and the medical profession to rollback their prices and fees, along with a board of governance to severely limit lawsuits deemed frivolous or unsubstantiated and award within reason legitimate cases, plus watchdogging insurance companies that levy unjust premiums on doctors and hospitals that have excellent records.