Constructive gadfly
Published on February 15, 2005 By stevendedalus In Politics

All you ever hear nowadays is the excessive costs of supporting our senior citizens without ever mentioning how much they support us. Social security and early retirement totaling over $33 billion buttresses Florida’s economy — nationally, about a half a trillion — and virtually all disposable. The $40 billion impact on the health care sector in Florida alone is largely due to retirees, contributing immensely to hiring of health related employees, not otherwise possible, let alone the more affluent retirees who require financial services and insurance adding a major impact to the white collar $37 billion take. Though Florida is not exactly a model role for public education, seniors with no children through real estate and lotteries surely assist in its development. Restaurants, landscaping services, home cleaning, automobiles abound in Florida thanks in part to seniors. Nor should we forget the modestly affluent seniors who readily assist their own adult children to buy homes and in the education of their grandchildren. Who knows what is the spinoff effect of the paltry social security dollar bolstering the economy?

Critics of social security are too negative to explore it.

Copyright © 2005 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: February 15, 2005.

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