Constructive gadfly
Published on February 12, 2005 By stevendedalus In Politics

Explain How Conservatives and Liberals would answer the following:

1> Is it fair that the office cleaner to get to work uses the same value subway token as a middle manager?

2> Should earned income credit be abolished in favor of a tax table set at 1% of taxable income for the first $5,000 and 2% up to $10,000, and 3% up to whatever the poverty line is? Keep in mind that taxable income accounts for the number of dependents. The point is that everyone should pay taxes regardless.

3> The so-called social security matching funds of the employer actually is built in to the worker’s wages, so why pretend that it is charity from the business world? And shouldn’t the self-employed be made to contribute the same 13%?

4> Since the entire world was fooled by Saddam, shouldn’t other nations also be investigating their own intelligence system? The very same intelligence is lacking now with respect to Iran but we continue to push the panic button. Is history repeating itself here?

Copyright © 2005 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: February 11, 2005.

on Feb 12, 2005
And shouldn’t the self-employed be made to contribute the same 13%?

you mean i've been contributing more than was actually required? LOL
on Feb 12, 2005

Wow, Where to begin.  Can I just answer as a conservative?

1> Is it fair that the office cleaner to get to work uses the same value subway token as a middle manager?

Yes, you are buying a good.  Should the Middle manager pay $1/lb for potatoes and the office cleaner pay .50?  It is the same potato.

2> Should earned income credit be abolished in favor of a tax table set at 1% of taxable income for the first $5,000 and 2% up to $10,000, and 3% up to whatever the poverty line is? Keep in mind that taxable income accounts for the number of dependents. The point is that everyone should pay taxes regardless.

Actually, I believe in a negative tax.  I.e., set the 0 level, and then those earning less get a rebate, even tho none is paid.  It would eliminate a lot of over head and bureaucracy.

3> The so-called social security matching funds of the employer actually is built in to the worker’s wages, so why pretend that it is charity from the business world? And shouldn’t the self-employed be made to contribute the same 13%?

The Self employed do (it is actually 12.6%).  It is called the self employment tax, and yes I have paid it.  It has a very funny quirk.  You get W2 wages of 89k, then all your self employment earnings are subject to the 12.6.  Even if it is 50k.  You earn $90,001, and then none of your self employment wages are taxed.  Stupid?  Damn straight!

4> Since the entire world was fooled by Saddam, shouldn’t other nations also be investigating their own intelligence system? The very same intelligence is lacking now with respect to Iran but we continue to push the panic button. Is history repeating itself here?

First, Intelligence is not an exact science.  It is a best guess and Saddam was very good at hiding his.  But in answer to your question, Yes they should.  All need to look at why they got hood winked, and try to correct the errors made.

Great Blog BTW.

on Feb 12, 2005
Excellent article. As to number 2, I contend that everyone DOES pay taxes. Even if you rent, your rent factors in the landlord's property taxes, and then there are gas taxes, taxes on utilities, taxes on phone companies, so on and so forth. But I agree with the general premise, regardless. Although I think the ceiling for taxes on the wealthy should be lower, personally.

As to the subway token, interesting food for thought. Part of the intent of the subway, though, is that mass transit reduces pollution and traffic congestion; if the economic incentive for the manager is removed, then the viability of mass transit may be affected.
on Feb 14, 2005
Even if you rent, your rent factors in the landlord's property taxes, and then there are gas taxes, taxes on utilities, taxes on phone companies, so on and so forth.
How very true, but that's precisely the reason taxes on the affluent should be more to compensate for the break they get in user tax that everyone is billed the same.
if the economic incentive for the manager is removed, then the viability of mass transit may be affected.
Good point; perhaps, then, token stamps should be issued for the low wager, not unlike food stamps.
on Feb 14, 2005
The Self employed do (it is actually 12.6%).
I stand corrected; I was sure it was 10 percent.
Actually, I believe in a negative tax. I.e., set the 0 level, and then those earning less get a rebate, even tho none is paid. It would eliminate a lot of over head and bureaucracy.
That's what earned income credit is!--and is bureaucratically involved.
Yes, you are buying a good. Should the Middle manager pay $1/lb for potatoes and the office cleaner pay .50? It is the same potato.
In a sense he might very well be paying half price if he is on food stamps.
on Feb 14, 2005

That's what earned income credit is!--and is bureaucratically involved.

Not quite, but close.  And only the IRS would be involved (Like EITC), so you could dump HHS.