Constructive gadfly
Published on February 2, 2004 By stevendedalus In Blogging

Is it too much to ask of Congress to support its Head Start B.A. bill with some funds for state implementation of higher salaries above the current average of $21,000 and issuing tuition incentives to obtain the BA? Does not this low salary make a mockery of the efforts to leave no child behind?

Is it too much to ask for the end of vouchers based on the age-old premise that exclusive private schools are superior to public schools when in fact the premise is based on segregation in behalf the rich child, not better education? And is it unreasonable to suggest dishonesty here when vouchers also go to the poor who in fact are in no position to expect entrance into these schools?

Is it too much to ask that the nation, with appropriate funding, to restore its respect for public education that is the bedrock of national progress?

Is it too much to ask for Congress to pass the propose “The Employee Free Choice Act” that would give a small band of workers some muscle to unionize sine the NLRA is remiss in supporting labor, paricularly on the low end of the scale?

Is it too much to ask America — ostensibly united — to respect the enormous labor performed by the low-end so that the nation can function day to day?

 Is it too much to ask that Gays serving honorably in the armed services be spared the indignity of “don’t ask, don’t tell”?

Is it to much too ask that Gays be given the same rights of other citizens, including the right to establish the right to agree to a civil, if not sacred, union?

Is it too much to ask that the socialized medicine system in the armed services be sustained for veterans?

Is it too much to ask that Medicare — proven to be superior to insurance — be extended to everyone and just not seniors?

Is it too much to ask that at birth everyone be granted the right to coverage in catastrophic illness?

In time of war — whether necessary or choice — is it too much to ask that every able eighteen year old be drafted into the armed forces? It had no ill-effect on the nation’s youth for twenty-five years after WWII — until the debacle of Nam.

Is it too much to ask that a school labeled as failing be given aggressive attention and support from the US Education Department responsible for commitment to NCLB, rather than dismissing it as a teacher union failing and therefore removing children from such institutional greed?

Is it too much to ask of fellow bloggers not to accuse me of the dreaded ‘L’ word?

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