Constructive gadfly
Published on February 3, 2005 By stevendedalus In Politics

The no vote against Condoleezza Rice was not so much to protest her appointment as it was to signal disappointment in Bush’s unprecedented habit of rewarding unabashed loyalty; particularly when it was clear that Colin Powell was the president’s worst nightmare. Perhaps now that she has a “real” position, rather than advisory, she may prove to be a feisty independent woman.

Copyright © 2005 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: February 3, 2005.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Feb 09, 2005
Well, then Kerry is a liar, and Bill Clinton a worse one. Seems both claimed support from people who did not know what the hell was going on.

Since when and says who? Proof please.

Yeah, maybe so, but I don't think they've included a mini forgery to their list of 'crimes', Dr. Guy. Dr. cheerlead for them and you didn't know about this? Go here: Link I had to do some research to find that.

on Feb 09, 2005

Yeah, maybe so, but I don't think they've included a mini forgery to their list of 'crimes', Dr. Guy.

No, but Moveon sure did.

on Feb 09, 2005
Well, then Kerry is a liar, and Bill Clinton a worse one. Seems both claimed support from people who did not know what the hell was going on.

Since when and says who? Proof please.

Yeah, maybe so, but I don't think they've included a mini forgery to their list of 'crimes', Dr. Guy. Dr. cheerlead for them and you didn't know about this? Go here: Link I had to do some research to find that.

Well by my count that's 5 out of over 300. Not a very large percentage, is it?
on Feb 09, 2005
Hope so. But Condy is no Madeline Allbright!
on Feb 10, 2005
But Condy is no Madeline Allbright!
Maybe she'll hire her as a consultant--fat chance.
on Feb 10, 2005

Hope so. But Condy is no Madeline Allbright!

Thank god for that! It is refreshing to have some competancy in the position after 8 years of clowns.

on Feb 12, 2005
Thank god for that! It is refreshing to have some competancy in the position after 8 years of clowns.
Perhaps true, except Bush's circus tent is even larger.
on Feb 12, 2005

Perhaps true, except Bush's circus tent is even larger.

So far On Bush's watch, we have not armed NK with Nukes, provided the guidance system so that Chinese Nukes can rain down on us, Bombed a Chinese Embassy, gone into a country for a year, and 6 years later we are still there, Bombed an empty camp in Afghanistan and an aspirin factory in Sudan.

But Under Bush's watch we have eliminated 2 terrorist regimes, liberating 50m people, got another country to disavow Nukes (without firing a shot).

Guess your definition of funny is not the same as mine.

on Feb 12, 2005
Perhaps true, except Bush's circus tent is even larger.

So far On Bush's watch, we have not armed NK with Nukes, provided the guidance system so that Chinese Nukes can rain down on us, Bombed a Chinese Embassy, gone into a country for a year, and 6 years later we are still there, Bombed an empty camp in Afghanistan and an aspirin factory in Sudan.
But Under Bush's watch we have eliminated 2 terrorist regimes, liberating 50m people, got another country to disavow Nukes (without firing a shot).
Guess your definition of funny is not the same as mine.

More like your definition of "stupid" matches his definition of funny.
on Feb 20, 2005
Guess your definition of funny is not the same as mine.
Yours is much funnier. The "50m" did not come without a tragic price. I know of no causalty list in Bosnia, nor Kosova.
on Feb 20, 2005
More like your definition of "stupid" matches his definition of funny.
Thanks, pal, I needed that to make clearer that your "definitions" are indeed lacking. 
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