Constructive gadfly
Published on February 3, 2005 By stevendedalus In Politics

The no vote against Condoleezza Rice was not so much to protest her appointment as it was to signal disappointment in Bush’s unprecedented habit of rewarding unabashed loyalty; particularly when it was clear that Colin Powell was the president’s worst nightmare. Perhaps now that she has a “real” position, rather than advisory, she may prove to be a feisty independent woman.

Copyright © 2005 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: February 3, 2005.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Feb 03, 2005

Scott Ritter said there were no WMDs in Iraq. He also pointed out that the alumninum tubes that Bushie, Condi, and Colin were raging about were incapable of being used in nuclear weapons production. Which turned out to be true. Along with the fact there are no WMDs in Iraq.

Scott Ritter was not that stupid.  Scott Ritter said he did not think there were any WMDs.  He did not say there were none.  YOu cannot coprehend facts can you?

I also wouldn't call the Pope, and millions of people across the world that protested going to war absolutely no one.

Let me splain to you Lucy.  NO ONE SAID THERE WERE NO WMDS.  Lots were agains the war.  You still are bereft of facts to back up your stupid statements.

Kerry, Hillary's and Teddy's faults are that they wimped out and would stick by their beliefs when it mattered, and that is sad. It is a sad commentary on the "democratic leadership" that they couldn't find their backbone.

So you agree that they were right at first when they said there were WMDs>  You contradict yourself again.

Is it so difficult to believe that Condi would lie to push an agenda?

That is not the question.  Do you have proof that she lied, or do you just routinely call anyone who does not agree with you a liar?  You are bordering on slanderous.

There was a preponderance of evidence supporting the claim that Iraq had destroyed their weapons program.

Produce it.  Apparently most of the intelligence communities of the world and some of the best experts on Iraq could not.  I guess that makes you a super genious, and you with held that from the world?  Very arrogant of you!

Also, I'd hardly call Joe Wilson a liar. His and his wife's lives have been placed at great risk by someone within the State Department that choose - either intentionally or not - to release the name of his wife and the fact that she is a CIA operative.

First, there is documented evidence he is a liar.  Google it if you know how.  Second, he was the one that outed his wife.  Check his interview with Russert in July of 03.  Third, she is not an operative!  She is an analyst!  Try to get at least one fact straight!

What about the head of counterterrorism Richard Clarke? He also said that Iraq had no ties to bin Laden or WMDs? There was evidence everywhere. It was simply ignored.

Finally, no you are wrong again.  He said his warnings about 911 were ignored!  Warnings that were only made in his notes, not in any official record released to date (so they may be classified for now).  He never stated no connection or no WMDs.  He said Bush dropped the ball.

In the end, you have no facts, mostly lies, and just ignorant statements.  Go back to DU where you belong.  You are not even a good opponent to debate as you have nothing to debate.  At least the liberals here, for the most part, argue from a point of fact, not lies and conjecture.

on Feb 03, 2005
One of the few things Andrew Jackson did that I dislike.

Oh my god. You did not say this? You think extermination of the native americans was good? Sending them off to reservations. Damn those damned natives. Be gone with you. All might Andy!
on Feb 03, 2005
I said few things. That meant more than one. I disliked that decision too.
on Feb 05, 2005
Kerry, Hillary's and Teddy's faults are that they wimped out and would stick by their beliefs when it mattered, and that is sad. It is a sad commentary on the "democratic leadership" that they couldn't find their backbone.
Agreed!! also if you recall MSNBC wimped out and cancelled Donahue's show because he had Ritter and his ilk on too often.
I dare say every man woman and child on this planet are pathological liars almost every day!
Except Clinton, of course!
on Feb 05, 2005
Last post for a while, heading out of town tonight. Have a good weekend everyone!
Forgive me for being the spring board that caused such sensitivity.
Just about everybody does that.
Tell that to all the whistleblowers--Monica Lewinsky, et al.
on Feb 05, 2005
I said few things. That meant more than one. I disliked that decision too.

My mistake... although at least in my mind thats a pretty big thing. I would have trouble respecting Andrew Jackson simply because of that.
on Feb 06, 2005

Except Clinton, of course!

Whoa!  I love your NewSpeak! !

on Feb 08, 2005
Whoa! I love your NewSpeak! !
The red dress was stained by his oozing mayonnaise from a Big Mac.
on Feb 08, 2005
I thought it was a blue dress.
on Feb 08, 2005
I thought it was a blue dress.

Sorry, my snafu!
on Feb 08, 2005
Now you are claiming the Swifties lied,

Not to necessarly defend squrrl here, (they should be able to do it themselves,) but the Swifies DID lie...maybe not about Kerry (that has not been proven) but they did sign the names of veterans to letters without their permission, producing fradulent support. That shoots their credibilty to hell.

And since when is rewarding loyalty in politics "unprecedented"?

Daiwa's right. It's like punishing your enemies out of revenge. You see a lot of that in politics too.

on Feb 08, 2005

The red dress was stained by his oozing mayonnaise from a Big Mac.

So clinton has the DNA of Mayonnaise? (Which is made from Eggs, CHICKEN eggs)? 

on Feb 08, 2005

Not to necessarly defend squrrl here, (they should be able to do it themselves,) but the Swifies DID lie...maybe not about Kerry (that has not been proven) but they did sign the names of veterans to letters without their permission, producing fradulent support. That shoots their credibilty to hell.

Well, then Kerry is a liar, and Bill Clinton a worse one. Seems both claimed support from people who did not know what the hell was going on.

on Feb 08, 2005

Not to necessarly defend squrrl here, (they should be able to do it themselves,) but the Swifies DID lie...maybe not about Kerry (that has not been proven) but they did sign the names of veterans to letters without their permission, producing fradulent support. That shoots their credibilty to hell.

Since when and says who? Proof please.
on Feb 08, 2005
drmiler: you have successfully replaced Madine as the site's watchdog.
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