Judging from the current “discovery” of a gigantic black hole 2.6 billion light years away, a layman has to wonder if the “truth” of science is on a path of counter productivity and adding fuel to the incomprehensible, thus engendering blind faith in a mysterious God. Black holes seem to be deadly contradictions to a universe bent on creativity. Just as most of us fail to comprehend the counter productivity of nature’s wrath here on earth that seems bent on destruction preventing utopian ends, the universe itself seems to have built into it checks and balances on a free-wheeling expanding universe without purposeful direction.
How does this differ from Armageddon or Judgment Day? Almost daily we are reminded of the tinder box on which the planet’s mantle is perched, having to bear the brunt and fear of floods, avalanches, tectonic movements causing tsunamis and earthquakes, let alone the vulnerability to the flying circus within the solar system. The more scientists know beyond which makes any human sense, they become more bewildered and are no more enlightened than the primitives who first gazed upon the stars with awe. Discovery of another black hole ten trillion light years away by definition will shed no further light on human wisdom but only increase the pain of indescribable mystery and alienation.
The magnificence of human intelligence in producing pictures from Titan is nonetheless little comfort to find but another inhabitable satellite in a solar system without promise beyond mining prospects for the third millennium. About the only promise — and this is hardly in opposition to faith — is a superior intelligence from a highly developed planet outside our system. Even so, it is unlikely that they will have solved the ultimate Why but only supplied more to the countless How.
Copyright © 2005 Richard R. Kennedy All rights reserved. Revised: January 15, 2005.